What now...?
Mrs Debrue (Aisha Debrue)
I bit my lips in frustration and embarrassment. How on earth was I going to defend myself now? I couldn't lie no more, It was over for me.
"Darling, Tom, I can explain...", I held on to my chest for dear life, my heart was racing, cold sweat ran down my back. Thomas took a step forward overshadowing Evanly who stood behind him. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, her nose dripping, her lips trembling, her body tense, she was trembling.
"You know, Aisha, I tried to compose myself all theses years, trying my hardest to keep this family happy but I was a fool to think that our family could ever be happy, not with you in it", he clenched his teeth, his eyes darkened, he glared at me angrily and I felt my spine run cold.
"I-i...what do you mean?", I cowered back.
"Don't you dare start with that bullshit! How could you treat Evanly like that, huh? All because of your stupid mistakes? You dare to even say that shit! You know you're such a fucking hypocrite and a narcissistic selfish person! Evanly did nothing to deserve any of the treat she got from you or Lunna! She was a child, Aisha! A child who wanted her mother's love and what did you do?", Thomas stepped closer to me, shouting at me, his words stabbing me deeper and deeper, tarnishing the strength and will power I still had.
"Tom, wait...please, look I know I was wrong for what I did and I don't deserve her forgiveness or yours but please don't say things like that. I was young and I didn't know what I was doing", i finally spoke up, my voice trembling beneath my words.
"What the fuck is wrong with you! How can you say that! You think this is an easy fix!? Aisha do you know how hurt I was when i found out that Evanly wasn't my daughter? Huh? But I chose to stay because I still loved you so much that it pained me thinking about leaving you. I never looked at you the same way, I stayed back just for our love and our family hoping that maybe, just maybe things will change! I was such a fool!", his brown eyes began watering, his voice becoming more and more agitated. It was as though he was holding back so much anger within him.
"Tom, please calm down, let me explain! I messed up, i know and I want to make things right, I want to be a good wife to you! I made a mistake, i know", I pleaded. I felt so vulnerable, I was at his mercy and I could do nothing but cry and beg for forgiveness. Everything I held onto dearly was crumbling beaneth me like sand.
"We're done Aisha! I am done! We'll talk about this later. Right now Evanly needs me", he began to walk back Into the house, I quickly ran to him and grabbed his hand to try and stop him.
"Let me go!", he pulled his hand back and continued to walk away. I stayed back and fell onto my knees as I realized that I couldn't lie my way out of this again, I can't even try to convince him. What have I done!? Fuck! I began sobbing.
After a little I heard Tom shout out loud.
"Evanly! Evanly honey, where are you!?"
I got up from the wooden floor and went back into the house. Tom was frantically running around the house shouting Evanly's name.
"Tom? Thomas!", I called out to him.
"Aisha, Evanly is gone! She's no one in or around the house and her car is still here", Tom frantically said. I felt instant fear come over me. If Evanly never comes back or something happens to her, it will be my fault. Fuck! What's happening? Everything is just getting more worse.
"H-have you tried calling her?", I inquired.
"Of course I have and non of my calls are going through, she may have turned off her phone", Tom burried his face into his hands.
" L-let's go out and look for her, if we don't find her by the end of this day then we'll inform the police", I suggested. My guilt was killing me. It's all my fault, if I had just come clean, maybe Tom would've taken it lightly.
Thomas and I went out with his car and began driving about the city looking for Evanly, every hour that passed felt agonising, it was darker and darker and there was no sign of her anywhere. Finally after endless hours of driving around, we decided to go back home, hoping we'd find her there. When we arrived the house dark and vacant, just as we left it and her car was still there. She hadn't come back. As we set in the car in silence, worry and fear hovering over us, Thomas finally spoke up.
"Look, let's wait for her, maybe she will come back. Maybe she went out somewhere to calm down after the emotional rollercoaster you just put her through"
"I'm sorry, I truly am. I'm such a horrible mother and wife. I don't know if you will ever forgive me", I turned to look at him. Tom's gaze was harsh as he turned to look at me, his eyes where filled with pain.
"Aisha, you know I thought we had something, I thought we were good, i thought you loved me..."
"I-i do love you, I love you so much", I sniffled.
"Then why did you do what you did? Huh? Everyday was torture thinking about how another man had touched you, that another man had kissed your lips, that another man held you in their arms. Was I not good enough for you? Did I not satisfy you enough? Did I not fuck you good enough? Did I not show you enough love? Did I not love you enough?", a tear rolled down his cheek. I wanted to hold his hand and comfort him but I know he would push me away.
"Eveything was more than enough okay, your love, your body, your words. The sex was amazing, you are amazing, your love is anything and everything to me", I desperately pleaded.
"And yet you cheated on me...how pathetic", he clenched his hands.
"I-i I'm sorry, I'm so sorry my love", I sobbed.
"Forget it Aisha, I can't with you. After eveything dies down I want a divorce", with those words he got out of the car.
To be continued...

The Billionaire's Bet
Storie d'amoreEvanly craves love, affection, satisfaction, and sex, all neglected in her loveless marriage. But a ray of hope appears when she encounters a wealthy young man seeking only friendship. Drawn inexplicably closer to him, she wonders if her feelings st...