Chapter 47: Goodbye... Pt.2

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So this it? It's over...just like that...


I threw myself into Benjamin's car and burst out into tears. My heart was racing, what had I just done? I was shacking, unable to compose myself.

"Why did I do that!?", I screamed. Tears streaming heavily down my cheeks. Benjamin slowed down the car and tried to comfort me. I didn't want to do that to him, I had no choice, it was only thing I could think of doing.

"'s okay, just let it all out", he said in a low, soft voice.

"Drive faster! I don't want to be in here anymore!", I screamed. I couldn't breath, I couldn't think straight, everything was a blur and all I could think about was Devon's hurt look and the pain in his voice as he pleaded with me.

"Why...? Why did I do that...?Fuck! I'm so sorry! I'm such a fuck up!", I cried out loud. My throat hurt, my head ached. Benjamin drove fast, the streets were empty, filled with nothing but the lights that illuminated them.

I didn't want to do that but it was only way to make him stay away from me, away from a burden that would drag him down, I couldn't love him the way he wanted me to. I'm scared to fall in love again and get hurt all over again, especially after what he did, how can I trust him?

After sometime, Benjamin stopped at his apartment. That night I planned to stay with him for the being, since I sold the house and was still looking for an apartment.

He parked his car, got out and came to my side to help me out. I felt so weak, helpless and sick. As I got out, suddenly everything felt heavy, my vision was blurry, then everything went black.



After sometime, I decided to drive back to my mansion. When I arrived, I saw that the lights were off, except for the kitchen one. Evanly used to do that whenever she went to bed, when I would come back late.

I drove into the driveway, not even bothering to greet some of my workers and guards at the entrance. I parked in front of the entrance to the mansion, got out and slowly made my way to the door. I opened them, and got inside, closing the door behind me. I leaned against the door and let a heavy sigh. I felt so empty. I went up to Darria's room, not even bothering to turn off the lights. I opened the door to her room and saw that she was still awake, just on her phone under the covers. She turned to look at me, confusion and worry written on her face as she turned on the side lamp.

"Devon?", she got up from the bed. I looked at her, my words unable to come out, only tears trickling down my cheeks. She quickly rushed to me and embraced me in a tight hug.

"Devon,'s okay, it's okay.", she hugged me, rubbing my back gently as I sobbed into her shoulder. I threw my arms around her, all my strength washing away. She took me to her bed and got in bed with me, hugging me and comforting me. Darria was always there for me whenever I cried. She was the only who knew this side of me and she didn't judge me one bit and I loved her for that.

I think I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up a found myself in Darria's bed, covered with blankets. I set up straight and ran my hands through my hair, I could feel that my eyes were puffy from all that crying last night. I got out of her bed and went downstairs. I went to the kitchen and found Darria making chicken alfredo pasta, my favourite.

"Morning sleepy head! How is my big brother feeling?", she came over to me and hugged me before pulling back and holding my hands.

"I feel like a corpse, rotting away...", I sighed looking to the side.

"What happened? Did you have a fight with Evanly or Danzel?", she asked. I rubbed my eyes in frustration  as I remembered yesterday's events.

"I fucked up Darria, I really fucked it up this time because I'm such a selfish asshole and an idiot"

"Don't say that...", she looked at me sadly, her blue eyes filled with worry.

"I had a fight with Danzel and Evanly just dumbed me officially and asked me to stay out of her life", it hurt to even say that. Darria was shocked as she gasped loudly, covering her mouth with one hand.

"What did you do to her!?", she angrily asked.

"I made a stupid bet. I fell in love. I lied. I fucked up and now she doesn't want to see me", I set down on one of the chairs in the kitchen and buried my face into my hands.

"You made a bet? But why? Why didn't you just talk to her like a normal person? Sometimes you surprise Devon. I mean you've been in love with this woman for years and that's the first thing you thought of doing?!", Darria angrily shouted at me as she took out the plates.

She knew about that? But how? Was I being to obvious? "How do you know that?"

"Oh come on Devon, while I was away, Danzel had been telling me the details and everything about your little obsession", she scoffed.

"That's not fair, it's my own business"

"Devon, you were stalking her, then you make a bet, then you lie to her, you break her heart and then you expect her to just come back to you just like that?", she turned to me angrily, holding a fork.

"I know...I messed up and I deserve it all. I just don't want to loose her and now I've already lost her", I sighed. "What's the point of staying here anymore..."

Darria placed a plate of hot, steaming, delicious pasta in front of me.

"You're not planning on killing yourself are you? Because if you are, I'll do it first!", she banged her fist on the table.

"No...I mean I want to leave Los Angles and go back to Italy, I want to go back home, I want to see mom", I began devouring my food.

"When?", she set down in front of me.


To Be Continued...

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