Chapter 54: I Need You...

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I need you, I'm all alone and I need you by my side, I miss you...


I drove to San Diego as fast as I could. My heart was racing as i neared my destination. Around 2 a.m I arrived in San Diego where I immediately began driving to the destination I was given. With a determined mind and heart, I began searching and looking.

After a while, I arrived at the road leading out of San Diego. I could see tall steel fence gates along side some signs indicating that this was a private property. I drove to the entrance and parked my car there. I hastily got out of the car and made my way to the entrance of the property, my heart was racing as i neared. I was hoping that the gates were open. It was dark and eerily silent. I grabbed the gate and swiftly pushed it. It opened and I finally breathed out, I had been holding my breath.

I walked in cautiously looking around. The field was massive, it was filled with tall, soft green grass and beautiful flowers, it felt nostalgic in a way. The moon was bright, illuminating the whole field. As I was looking around, I finally saw a silhouette in the distant, near a pond that was reflecting the moon's ray. I made my way there and as I got closer I saw the silhouette begin to stand up. I stopped in my tracks as the silhouette began to face me. The light of the moon shined on us both and I finally saw her, Evanly.

My heart leaped out of my chest as I walked over to her and embraced her in a tight hug.

"Evanly! Where have you been!? I-i thought you were gone, I- I was so worried", I held onto her tightly.

"Ben...what are you doing here? H-how did you find me?", she asked softly.

"Evanly your parents said you went missing and I came here looking for you. Fuck! I was so worried, I immediately drove here as fast as I could. Please don't ever do that again, Evanly. That is so reckless, hon", I pulled back and held her face in my hands. Her eyes were fixated on me, a look of sadness and pain filled them.

"I'm a failure, Ben. I fucked up my life and now, now I'm losing the people I love...", she began sobbing. I pulled her even closer to me and began gently stroking her back.

"No, don't say that,'re not losing anyone..."

"Ben, my own mother resented me for years because I was the result her infidelity. She blamed me for being born. I was the reason for her pain and my dad is not even my real dad. My dad was the only person who really loved me and cared for me in that family. Now he is going to leave me too", she cried out. Her cries were filled with pain and sorrow that I couldn't even comprehend, let alone understand. I wanted to hold her close to me, I wanted to comfort her, I wanted to give her my all just for her to be happy.

"Evanly, look at me, no one is leaving you, you hear me. You have me and I'll always be by your side, no matter what happens. I care about you more than you know and i love you. You're not alone. I'm here...", I don't know it was my heart speaking or my desire to be with her speaking but I just wanted her to realise that I'm not going anywhere...I'll be by her side till I take my last breath, even if she finds love elsewhere, I'll always be by her side.

Her beautiful green eyes sparkled under the light, her tears rolled down her cheeks as she gazed into my eyes. My eyes shifted from her eyes to her lips. The atmosphere was tense, lingering with a longing of comfort and loneliness. Our faces inching closer and closer by the second.

"Ben...", she whispered, our lips were inches away from touching. Neither of us were letting go.

"Evanly...", I too whispered. Her soft hands held onto mine tightly. I wanted to kiss her so badly. I wanted to hold her in my arms and never let her go, just once, just for a little while.

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