Chapter 49: The Beginning Of The End

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I hope you forget me, I hope you find happiness. For now, forget about me...

Her life had shifted dramatically from the quiet routine of being a nurse and a loving wife to a turbulent existence marked by pain, heartbreak, and relentless curiosity. This upheaval began the moment she met him. He had been the escape from her mundane life, introducing a thrilling new dimension that seemed to fulfill her deepest desires. But now, as she stands amidst the ruins of what once was, she is haunted by uncertainty: Where did it all go wrong? Was it the breakup that shattered her world? Was it the vulnerability of falling in love? Was it his deceit that fractured her trust, or was it her own unbridled desires that led to her downfall? The answers remain elusive, leaving her trapped in a swirling storm of regret and longing.

Devon left Los Angeles in the hopes that he will find peace and assurance in Italy. Evanly kept Benjamin close to her in the hopes that he would replace the pain and longing she felt, with happiness. They both longed for each other yet something held them back. A veil of uncertainty and complexity covered the path to their future. They wanted to forget each other. Forget the time they had endured together, full of lust, love, affection and lies. Was it all worth it?

Three months passed and their lives were beginning to have a sense of meaning and their paths seemed clear. Life had been dull yet they both went on with their lives, trying their best not to think about each other and trying to find happiness.

Devon was creating a new project hoping it would finally be their breakthrough into creating more things for the world, he was busy with conference meetings, interviews and meeting new people whilst finding more evidence and information on Julian. All was going according well...

Evanly was still grappling work, life, her friendship with Benjamin and being an aunt to her beautiful baby neirce, Luciano. She moved into her new apartment with the help of Benjamin and Danzel. Her friendship with Danzel had grown beautifully. He told her his secrets, things he didn't dare to tell Conilliouse and she too told him her secrets. Their friendship held a deep meaning of acceptance and comfort. She finally felt at peace...



Today marked the day of my parent's anniversary and I wanted to gift them a custom made Infinity necklace that held a message that symbolizes their 30 years of marriage. I had a day off and I decided to drive there with one of Danzel's cars. I hadn't notified anyone, It wasn't important to them.

It was a Friday evening when I got on the road and began my journey to San Diego. After some time I arrived. It was night time but the house light were still on. I pulled out my phone and called my dad to open the gate for me. He answered the call and I could hear the excitement in his voice.

The gates opened and I drove in. After parking the car in the driveway, I got and dad met me at the door with a big hug.

"My little girl is back home!", he spun me around.

"I missed you too, dad"

He put me down and assured me into the house before going to the car and getting my bags. I was greeted by the familiar scent of my dad's famous lasagne and the warmth of the house.
I heard my mother's laughter coming from the living room, I decided to greet her, she is my mom after all. I made my to the living room and found her on the phone but as soon as she laid her tired green eyes on me, a look of excitement appeared on her face and she immediately hung up her phone. She turned to look at me and advanced towards me, she embraced me in a hug. I was confused and taken aback. What was happening? What was she doing. All I could do was stand there, frozen in shock.

"What are you doing?", I gently pushed her away from me. In all my 29 years of living, she had never done this before nor has she ever tried to and now, now she wants to hug me?

She held my hands, a strange feeling of discomfort came over me, my heart began racing. She looked at me with a look I didn't recognize. Never had she ever looked at me like that before.

"I'm so glad you're back, Evanly! Your mom missed you so much", she smiled widely, her eyes sparkling with joy.

I cringed my face in confusion and discomfort.

"What is up with you? Why are you doing this?", I pulled my hands away from hers harshly. She took a step back and placed her hands on her chest, clenching her white, silk, button up blouse. I noticed that she had done her nails and had a pink perl ring on with a matching bracelet.

She beaded her lashes at me, her expression changed to one of sadness.

"Are you happy to see me, Evanly? I've been waiting for you to come back home and this is how you greet me?"

The audacity of this woman. How can she even say that? I felt repulsed and at the brink of breaking down. How can she play with my feelings like this? Pretending to be happy to see me? She didn't even come to see me when I got out of my coma and this, this is what I get?

"Nope! No, I'm not doing this with you.  Not now, not ever! If you were going to play with my emotions you should've said so, I wouldn't have even tried to greet you!", I shouted as I turned away and began walking away. I felt a firm grasp on my arm and shortly after I was pulled back.

"Evanly why are you acting this way?", she asked, a look of sadness hovering over her aged face covered with light make-up and a bright red lip stick.

I yanked my arm away from her, rage filled my lungs and I was more than ready to lash out. I was a the brink of tears. At that moment dad walked in and saw the commotion.

"No, why are you acting this way? Huh? Why are you trying to play with my feeling? You think hugging me will fix things between us? You think it will bring back all those years of neglecting, pain, loneliness and the motherly love I needed from you?!", I shouted angrily. All those years of built up pain, frustration and confusion came spilling out like a punctured pipe with water flowing through it and that water was my tears.

I broke down right there in front of them. Mom was shocked and a look of guilt plastered on her face.

"You never loved me as your daughter  nor did you even try to! And you suddenly hug me?"

"Evanly, honey i-"

"Shut up! I'm sick of your bullshit!", I turned and ran up stairs. I heard both of them follow behind me.

"Evanly, stop running this instant! We can talk about this!", dad shouted behind me. I just kept running till I reached my room and threw myself inside, locking the door behind me.

"Evanly!", dad banged on the door.

"Unless you want me to come out, tell your wife to leave me the fuck alone! I didn't come here to feel worse than I already do!", I shouted through sniffles.

"Evanly, she's your mother!", my dad said.

"When did she ever consider me as her daughter?"

To be continued...

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