Chapter 13 : A new beginning?

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What was my next chapter? Was there even another chapter...?


So much has happened in these past 4 months. So much has happened...and the outcome was my suffering. I still can't believe and grasp the fact that my marriage is in complete shambles. I was going to get a divorce soon and I hadn't spoken to my parents about it. I haven't talked to that scumbag since that day and I don't plan on talking to him again. I'm done with both Lunna and Justin.


"I missed you, Devon.", I said.

"I missed you too, Amorina.", he replied.

"I know it's been three days but I still missed you. Something just happened to me and I just needed someone to talk to about it or someone to comfort me...", I said in a low voice.

"I'm here for you, Amorina. When you come over to my place we can talk about it, okay.", he said reassuringly.

"Sure. I hope your doing okay? How are you holding up with the bathing situation?", I asked.

"I'll go by myself.", he answered.

"Really, Devon!? You're going to get hurt. Why don't you ask Conie to help you?", I asked concerned.

"No way. I prefer you to help me. I don't care if it's painful to get out of bed. I only want you to help me and no one else.", he said.

"Devon you are so difficult you know that? Okay, tell you what, when I get back I'll help you bath so don't go by yourself.", I said.

"When are you coming back?", he asked.

"Tomorrow.", I replied.

"I can't wait to see you, Amorina.", he said.

"Why do you keep on calling me that?", I asked. He has been calling me Amorina for the past 3 months, I didn't hate it at all, it's just that its a bit weird, funny and cute. Infect, I really like it.

"Because you're my Amorina"

I paused for a moment. Come to think of it, I really needed something to cheer me up after what I just witnessed and Devon is doing just that.

"Yeah, I really needed a bit of cheering up. Thanks, Devon.", I thanked him.

"I'm always available for you, no matter what it is. Cheering up, comforting. Anything for you, Evanly.", he said.

I chuckled.

"Okay. I'll talk to you later. Have a good night, Devon.", I said.

"Have a great night too, Amorina.", he hung up.

I breathed in a deep sigh of exhaustion. I was glad Devon called, I really needed to talk to him. But I still had some unfinished business. This is going to be a really long month. March was gong to be a long fucken month and that bastard Justin would be there!

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