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"Whoa! Look at all these stars!"

A lone human stands above a tower, admiring the view above them. The night sky shone with a mix of blue and purple shades as the stars glistened brightly among them. Everything swirled together to create a beautiful place.

This is Outertale. It has the most extraordinary view in the entire multiverse. Anyone who refused to say that this was the most beautiful AU is insane (but they are free to have their own opinions here. I won't mind them).

As the stars twinkled brightly, so did a pair of [eye-color] eyes. They were wide open in amazement despite this being their one hundredth time seeing the starry night sky (probably. They lost count of how many times they came to the AU to admire it). If you look deep into those eyes, they hold a special desire to explore even more.

The human spotted a pair of floating rocks (probably meteorites but they didn't know that) not far, leading to a small little land. And not too far from that was a milky-way themed trail, leading whoever was following it to the pub in Starrin (Snowdin Town). The human fancied a snack at this very moment, so they liked the idea of going to the local pub to get some french fries. But the human figured it was better if they went to where the best french fries in the multiverse are.

In the original Universe. The classics usually are the best (in the human's opinion, at least).

The human, much to their dismay, stopped admiring the stars. With a snap of their fingers, a [favorite color] portal appeared behind them.

"So long, Outertale," they bid the space-themed AU goodbye before walking into the portal. The portal then closes, revealing a skeleton wearing a space-themed outfit.

"huh. that was weird," the skeleton said. "not the weirdest thing i've seen."

Back with the human, they arrived in a park in the original universe. Looking around the place once more, they spotted multiple buildings not far from the park they are in, along with many bushes and freshly grown flowers. The human thought they looked pretty (but they preferred the stars in Outertale even more).

The human began walking to the route leading to the best pub in the multiverse (in their opinion) before they heard light panting followed by someone talking. Those noises weren't that far, so the human decided to hide behind one of the many big bushes in an attempt to hide and find wherever the noises could be coming from.

Fortunately for them, they quickly found it right after someone new entered.

With a splash of color, Ink appeared to talk some sense to the black and white skeleton/human? The human, relieved that Ink was here, created a [favorite color] spear to help out Ink take down whoever the other guy was.

Well, after the other guy began throwing a slight tantrum.

"YOU AGAIN?! GET LOST!" The black and white human yelled at Ink, despite the possibility of paint being in his mouth (that must be terrible). "Or I'm gonna destroy this timeline forever! No more of this pacifist crap!" They whipped the paint off their face before Ink began talking.

"Stop fooling around, C. Give him back his soul and then we can go home, ok?" Ink suggested, hoping that this 'C' would go the easy way and give up.

White spikes appeared behind 'C' as he threatened Ink to get lost. Just at this very moment, the human came in and hit 'C' with the back end of the spear (the non-pointy part) towards the spikes, causing them to snap in half.

"[Name]? What are you doing here?" Ink exclaimed, surprised by the humans', who is known by [Name], appearance.

[Name] sent Ink a grin. "Helping you, of course!" Right when 'C' came back to launch an attack towards them, [Name] used their spear to knock him back with the sides. Ink came rushing towards 'C' and used Broomie to splash even more paint on him.

"Well, thanks!" Ink thanked [Name] with a big smile. They sent him an even bigger smile before 'C' created white spears below them, one of them hitting [Name] while Ink dodged each of them. "You okay?" Ink asked [Name] while they stood up. They gave him a thumbs up as their nose began to bleed.

"I guess it's my turn now." Ink launched himself towards 'C,' using Broomie once more to hit 'C' with even more paint.

"STOP DOING THAT!" 'C' demanded with a scowl. [Name] laughed at the sight of him complaining like a child.

"That was kind of funny, man!" [Name] chuckled. "Learn to have fun, will you?"

Ink joined in with the laughter. "I warned ya! Besides, you gotta admit this is fun!"

Now bothered by both of them, 'C' used blue magic on both of them (somehow working on Ink?) to lift them up. "I don't care if I kill you and your friend, Ink," 'C' muttered angrily under his breath. "Not anymore. Did you really think that you, your pathetic friend, and your stupid paintbrush would stop me?" 'C' cackled loudly. "All of you are so WEAK!"

[Name] chuckled at his little speech. "If I were you, I wouldn't say that too quickly."

Ink grinned while snapping his fingers. "There is something called creativity and strategy."

The paint on 'C' transformed into dark purple chains, trapping him as he began complaining even more. Ink and [Name] were free from his blue magic and swiftly landed back on land. "SANS! NOW!" Ink told Sans, who summoned loads of bones around 'C.'

"Look, bud. I dunno what's happening but you don't belong here," Sans told 'C' who was flashing into two different beings. "You gotta stop this. Now." Ink gave 'C' a look of sympathy (or empathy) while [Name] gave him a small glare. "Please give me back my soul. I'm sure this other me will help ya."

'C' looked defeated and helpless. "C, I promise everything will be ok. . ." Ink made an attempt to reassure his buddy one last time. "Let's go home. . . We'll find a better way to-"

"I just don't want to die. . ." Ink was cut off by a voice similar to Sans. [Name] stopped glaring at 'C,' and began feeling bad for him. "I just. . . I need. . ."

"WE NEED OUR OWN UNIVERSE." 'C's human half spoke.

"NO! WAIT-" Ink tried to reach for 'C' but it was too late. 'C' took a shortcut away from the group of three.

[Name] sighed. "This is bad. . ."

"Very," Ink continued.

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