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". . . Hey. . . Wake up!"

"Come on, hermano. . . They're waiting for us. . ."

XChara, now an adult, slowly opened his eyes. Everything was blurry for a few seconds before he decided to look up. His eyes widened at the sight.

Two humans were in front of him, the one with black hair having a neutral face while the one with [shade of hair (like uh, light or dark type of hair? Cuz. . . y'know? Xtale?)] had a look of sadness.

"Frisk. . .? [Name]. . .?" XChara managed to mutter out. He looked even more up to meet XGaster's harsh glare. By that alone, he could already tell what he was saying.

"You better be useful this time, you little brat."

Then both XGaster and XFrisk walked back to the rest, leaving X[Name] all alone. They were trembling slightly as their lips quivered.

"[Name]. . . ? What's going on?" XChara asked. But they only looked hesitant at him right before launching themselves toward him, giving him a tight embrace. "Huh!?"

[Name] began sobbing silently. ". . . I'm sorry about the last timeline. . . and the ones before that. . ." They slowly muttered out between hiccups. "I. . . I was just a fucking coward. . . and I wasn't strong enough to remember anything after Frisk used both the Overwrite and Reset buttons. . ." XChara's older sibling kept on ranting on how they felt truly bad, hugging them back.

"Hey, don't worry," XChara shushed them despite being younger. Back then, it was [Name] who comforted him when he was feeling like absolute shit because of XGaster. But now, it was his turn to comfort his elder sibling. "I'm just. . . so glad that you at least found a bit of happiness in that timeline. That's all we both could have asked for. . . we just wanted you to not suffer alongside us. . ."

Now it was his turn to start shedding some tears again.

". . . I'm just so glad you are back, brother. . ." [Name] whispered, not letting go of this embrace. Oh, how they missed him so much after the events when the two decided to fight against XGaster, only for them to fail horribly. They just wished they were strong enough to remember anything whenever XGaster or either one of their brothers uses the Reset button.

They didn't have the soul of Determination. Only those who hold that trait was strong enough to remember everything after a Reset.

And. . . they hated how XGaster used them to kill all those monsters. Sure, they were rude as hell but none of them deserved it.

The two reluctantly pull away from the hug as they wipe their own tears off their faces.

"XGaster uses our fear towards him against us. . . what if we can't do anything this time?" [Name] wondered, not wanting any of that crap to ever happen.

XChara huffed. "We will find a way. The two of us," he patted their back in reassurance. "And maybe if we're lucky, Frisk may join us, too."

"That's where you are wrong, sadly. . ." [Name] lowered their head. "The others are fully under his control. They already know the consequences if either one of them disobeys him. . ." This made their brother sigh in frustration before snapping his fingers lightly.

"What about that stupid skeleton who happens to be your-"

". . . just say what you want to say. . ." [Name] quickly interrupted him, knowing that there was no time to joke around.

"Knowing him. . . he will probably do something about this situation." [Name] put a hand under their chin, thinking for a while. Cross would be the type of person who would do something about it. But. . . he changed so much.

They sighed. "We can only hope for the best."

"Come on, brother. They are waiting for us. . ."

𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐑 | 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now