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[Name] watched as Sans slept soundly face-first on the soft and white snow. God, they wished that was them but now wasn't the time to desire for a nap! They all have to go catch Cross!

Currently, Ink and [Name] were hiding behind the big piles of snow and within the hollow trees. Sans was supposed to be with them but as mentioned before, he was sleeping on the snow. He sure did look comfortable.

"Should one of us go and get him?" [Name] asked Ink as they pointed and stared at the snoring skeleton with a confused expression. "Don't worry, I got this," Ink pointed at himself rather proudly as he smiled. He slowly emerged from the big pile of snow, ready to call out for Sans.

"Psst! Sans!" Ink yelled in a whisper (somehow). "Wake up!" But Sans was still snoozing, gently embracing the snow as he muttered, ". . . just five more minutes. . ." Starting to get slightly bothered by this, [Name] snapped their fingers, teleporting Sans next to them. Said skeleton landed fast first on the snow, again. This caused him to wake up.

Sans, now realizing the cold feeling of the snow, jumped up. "WOW, WAIT A MINUTE! IS THIS SNOW?!" His eye-sockets widened in the sudden realization that he could be back in the Underground. But before he continued, [Name] placed a finger covering his mouth (???). "Please be quiet," [Name] told him while giving him a slight scolding face.

Ink gave Sans a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, pal. This is not your Snowdin," Ink revealed to him. "Welcome to Underfell!"

". . . And why are we hiding over here?"

"I must prevent myself from being seen in any AU for everybody's sake," Ink informed him. Suddenly, [Name] thought of something. If he did that with Cross, then none of this would have happened. As Ink smirked knowingly, holding his chin (???) with his hand, Sans bluntly told him the following.

"If you had done that with Cross, none of this would be happening and I wouldn't be here, with only half a soul, and so far from home."

Ink jumped in realization, creating a cartoonish sound effect as a way to indicate that he was confused and surprised at the same time. ". . . Sorry?" He gave Sans a sheepish smile right before a SMACK was heard.

[Name], grateful that Sans just flat out told them what was on his mind, decided to give Ink a piece of their mind. A good old smack in the head. Thanks to that, Ink toppled over the soft snow, giving him a soft landing at the cost of earning himself a headache.

Sans shuddered. "They are exactly like [Name]," he thought in his head. "They haven't changed much."

"What was that for?" Ink whined, feeling betrayed by their comrade. [Name] only gave him another smack to the head, this time less painful. "What did I do to deserve this?" Ink begged for answers. "What happened to the [Name] I usually know?"

[Name] frowned comically. "You know what you did, buddy," they gave him a glare, clearly upset that he could have prevented all of this. Ink made a face like that one crying emoji while [Name] continued to glare daggers at him. "We're not in some anime or manga, man!" [Name] pointed out, kind of weirded out by Ink's face.

"You will be soon!" Ink said with a sing-song tone.


Sans got up, deciding it was best to stop the sibling-like fight. "So, Cross came to this place?" Both Ink and [Name] turned their heads to see Sans talk.

"I sure do hope so," [Name] sighed, kind of tired to continue scolding Ink. Ink, on the other hand, was slightly relieved.

"This place is living a Pacifist Timeline despite. . . many problems. . ." Ink informed the two. "It is Underfell, after all," [Name] finished Ink's informative sentence. "But I have a feeling Nightmare definitely brought Cross to this place."

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