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Ink quickly told Error to shut up as Undernovela was about to begin. He just barged himself in Error's place, disturbing him while he remained without a single drop of emotion. Eventually, Error just decided to watch the newest episode of his favorite series.

Roll the Title Screen.

In the last episode of Undernovela. . .

Alternate versions of Toriel and Sans, in which he is called Sin here, held hands together (with Sin standing on a chair. They were about to be married and the two couldn't get any more happier.

Toriel and Sin were about to get married and live happily ever after. . .

But that feeling of happiness was quick to disappear as a new character appeared. Toriel gasped as Sin clenched his hands, both watching as Asgore, who goes by Asgoro here, enters the church with a gun in hand.

But all that ended in terrible chaos by Asgoro's thirst for revenge.

After a long and intense battle, Toriel was on the verge of tears, crying to her ex to end all this bloodshed. Sin, who was next to her, had a blue and yellow eye with a scowl, ready to shoot Asgoro any minute with his gun. But everyone's attention turned to Sin's brother, Papiro (Papyrus).

However, Papiro, Sin's younger brother, could stop them after receiving some terrible news which would freeze their hearts.

Papiro, a skeleton wearing a cool mustache, grabs his sombrero in front of them as he prepares to break the news to everyone.

"Someone kidnapped Frisk and [Name]!" He yelled out, receiving looks of shock and distress from everyone.

Error dramatically gasps, really getting into this novela. "GASP! ASGORO! SAVE YOUR CHILD, MAN!" He exclaimed while still eating his chocolate bar. Ink watches behind him, intrigued by this but doesn't show it.

Undyna was startled by the sudden motion of a door opening, revealing Alphin (Alphys).

"Miss Undyna! Sir Asgoro needs you all immediately!" She quickly informed Undyna. The two soon head to Asgoro's office, where Sin and a bunch of dogs are waiting there.

"Sir Asgoro! What's going on here!?" Undyna demanded for answers, surprised by Sin's appearance alone. "Sin was supposed to be your rival, he was going to marry your wife!" Undyne reminded him in a harsh tone.

"I know. But I had no other choice," Asgoro admitted. "We'll have to leave our issues aside." He removed the fat cigar that he was smoking as he spoke in a low tone, "Both of my children have been kidnapped." He sighed before he continued to inform everyone in the room about the news. "We don't know who it was or what their intentions are, but we need everybody's help to save my children."

Sin loaded a few bullets on his pistol, lifting it in front of his head as he swore a smug grin. "After this, we'll fix our pending business," he spoke in a low yet goofy voice.

"Huh, this is getting interesting," Ink spoke out loud. He, indeed, was growing intrigued by this show. But he received a small glare from Error. "I KNOW RIGHT!? SHUT UP!"

"Asgoro! My wife and I can take down where those miserable people are hiding!" Dogamy told Asgoro, determined to retrieve Asgoro's children back. 'We can trail those kids with our smell!" Dogaressa informed him, sharing a similar determination as her husband.

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