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Jungkook had always been someone who worked hard and pushed himself to be better. Whether it was in his music or his physical training, he was always striving to improve and push his limits. But lately, his schedule had become overwhelming, with back-to-back concerts, interviews, and rehearsals leaving him with little time to rest or take care of himself.

At first, he didn't notice the toll it was taking on his body. He would down cups of coffee and energy drinks to keep himself going, ignoring the fatigue and warning signs his body was throwing at him. But as the days went on, he found himself growing increasingly worn down and irritable, snapping at his bandmates and crew members for the slightest mistakes.

Taehyung was the first to notice, pulling him aside after a particularly grueling dance practice to ask how he was holding up. Jungkook tried to brush him off, insisting that he was fine, but Taehyung could see through the facade.

"You need to slow down, Kookie," he said gently. "You're pushing yourself too hard."

Jungkook felt defensive and frustrated, feeling like he couldn't afford to take a break when there was so much to do. But as the days went on, he found himself struggling to keep up with the demands of his schedule. He would barely have time to eat or sleep, let alone take a moment to relax.

As a result, his health began to suffer. He developed a persistent cough and his energy levels plummeted. He found himself struggling to even get through a single dance routine, his muscles burning with fatigue. But he pushed himself even harder, determined not to let his weakness show.

Jimin tried to reason with him, telling him that he was putting himself at risk if he continued to overwork himself. "You can't keep ignoring your health like this," he said firmly. "You need to take a break."

But Jungkook felt like he couldn't afford to step back. He was too important to the team, too vital to their success. He felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders, pushing him to keep going even when his body was screaming for rest.

It wasn't until he collapsed on stage during a concert that he finally realized how serious the situation had become. The rest of BTS rushed to his side, frantically trying to cool down his overheated body and make him comfortable. Jungkook felt helpless and vulnerable, realizing that he had been pushing himself too far all along.

He was whisked away to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with exhaustion and told that he needed to take a break from activities for a while. Jungkook felt devastated and ashamed, realizing that his overworking had not only put himself at risk but his team as well. He struggled to come to terms with the fact that he had let them down.

But as he began to recover, he found himself surrounded by love and support from his bandmates and fans. They reminded him that it was okay to take a break, that his health was more important than his work. They helped him rediscover the joy of simply being in the moment, of enjoying the small things in life.

Jungkook slowly began to find his balance again, learning to prioritize his health and well-being over his work. He still worked hard, still pushed himself to be better, but he did it with a newfound sense of self-care and boundaries. He learned that it wasn't weakness to take a break, that sometimes the greatest strength lay in knowing when to slow down. And he was grateful for the support and love of those around him, even in the darkest moments.

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