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Thanks for the request @Siddha_5302 💜

It was the day of the biggest concert of their lives, and the members of BTS were buzzing with excitement. The atmosphere backstage was electric as each member prepared for their turn on stage.

"Let's do our best... But let's not forget to have fun! "Everyone was in high spirits except for Suga, who was feeling incredibly unwell. He didn't want to ruin the excitement for his bandmates, so he didn't say anything.

As the concert began, the members took their places on stage. Jimin made his grand entrance, spraying water on the stage as part of his performance. However, he accidentally sprayed too much water, and the stage became slippery. As Suga took his turn, he began to feel dizzy, and before he knew it, he slipped on the wet stage, landing on his head.

The stage filled with blood, causing the audience to gasp in horror.

The members rushed to Suga's side, and they immediately called an ambulance. They couldn't believe what had happened, and they were all in shock. They had never seen something like this happen before, and it left them all feeling scared and uncertain about their friend's condition.

The ambulance arrived, and they rushed Suga to the hospital. Once there, the doctors immediately attended to him, but it was clear that he had lost a lot of blood. His condition was critical, and he had already slipped into a coma. The members were devastated, and they couldn't believe what had happened.

Days passed, and Suga's condition remained critical. The members spent every moment at his bedside, praying for him to wake up. Jimin was consumed by guilt, blaming himself for what had happened. He couldn't bear to see his friend in such a state and sobbed uncontrollably every time he saw him.

One day, the doctor called the members into his office to give them heartbreaking news. Suga had gone into sleep cardiac arrest, and if he didn't wake up within the next 24 hours, he would be lost forever. The members were beside themselves with grief, unable to imagine a world without their dear friend.

As they sat around Suga's bed, the members begged him to wake up. They spoke to him, telling him how much they loved him and needed him to come back to them. RM, their leader, took hold of Suga's hand and spoke to him softly. "Yoongi, please, please wake up. We need you. You're our brother, and we can't do this without you."

Suddenly, Suga's eyes fluttered open, and he started to come around. It was a miracle.

"Oh thank goodness! Yoongi...! "
"Hyung! You are awake!"
"How are you feeling?"

The members were overjoyed, and they hugged Suga tightly, happy to see him awake and breathing. They thanked the heavens for sparing their brother and, from that day forward, promised to cherish every moment they had together.
And Jimin is still feeling guilty. So one day he decided to try and talk it out with Yoongi Hyung.

All the members were in the hospital room. Jimin enters the room with a downcast gaze, and approaches Yoongi's bed.
Taehyung asks:"What's wrong? Jimin?"
Everyone was very confused.

Jimin couldn't help but feel guilty about what had happened on stage.

"Yoongi hyung, I'm really sorry about the stage incident. I feel terrible that I caused you to fall," Jimin said with a frown.

"It's okay Jimin," Yoongi reassured him. "I was already feeling sick before we even started our performance. It wasn't your fault."

Jimin looked up at Yoongi with surprise. "You were feeling sick? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want to worry anyone. I thought I could push through it," Yoongi explained with a shrug.

Jungkook spoke up from across the room, "But hyung, if you were feeling sick, why did you still perform?"

Yoongi sighed, "I didn't want to let our fans down. And besides, we've trained for this. I thought I could handle it."

The other members looked at Yoongi with concern. They knew how hard he worked and how dedicated he was to their performances. But they also knew that their health came first. Jimin spoke up again, "Hyung, we care about you. We want you to take care of yourself."

Yoongi looked at Jimin with a small smile on his face. "Thanks Jimin. I appreciate it. And I promise from now on, I'll speak up if I'm not feeling well. But I ask that you do it too."

The rest of the members nodded in agreement, and they all shared a group hug. They knew that their bond as BTS was strong enough to overcome any obstacle, but they also knew that taking care of their health was crucial in being able to continue sharing their music with their fans.

It took time for Suga to recover, both physically and emotionally. The accident had taken its toll on him, and he needed to rest and recuperate. The members were with him every step of the way, supporting him and cheering him on.

In the end, they realized that their bond as brothers was stronger than any obstacle they could face. They had gone through the darkest of days and had come out the other side, holding onto each other tightly. It was a testament to their friendship and love for each other, and it was something that they would cherish forever.

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