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It was supposed to be a night that Namjoon and the rest of BTS would never forget. They were in the middle of their world tour and this particular stop was in London, one of their favorite cities. The venue was packed with thousands of fans who had come from all over the world to see them perform.

The show was going great. Namjoon and the rest of BTS were on fire, dancing and singing their hearts out. The crowd was cheering and singing along with them. But as the night wore on, Namjoon started to feel strange. He wasn't sure what was wrong with him, but his head felt foggy and his vision was blurry.

He tried to push through it and keep performing, but it was getting harder and harder to focus. He stumbled during a dance move and nearly fell to the ground. The other members noticed and rushed over to help him.

"Namjoon, are you okay?" Jin asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know, my head..." Namjoon trailed off, feeling like he was going to be sick.

The rest of the members looked at each other, worried. They had never seen Namjoon look like this before. They knew something was definitely wrong.

"Hyung, we need to get you off the stage," Jimin said, putting a hand on his back to guide him off.

Namjoon nodded weakly, allowing his bandmates to help him off the stage. The crowd was confused, not sure what was happening. But the other members assured them that everything was okay, that Namjoon just needed to rest.

They brought him to the backstage area, where there was a doctor waiting for him. She took his temperature and checked his pulse, all the while asking him questions about how he was feeling.

"I feel like crap," Namjoon groaned, closing his eyes.

The doctor looked at him sympathetically. "It looks like you have a fever and you're showing signs of dehydration. You need to rest and drink plenty of fluids."

Namjoon didn't argue, he knew he was in no shape to argue. He let the doctor take care of him, giving him medicine and fluids through an IV. The other members were there with him the whole time, hovering worriedly by his side.

"How are you feeling now, hyung?" Jungkook asked, placing a hand on his forehead to feel his temperature.

Namjoon let out a sigh. "Better, but still not great. I don't think I can perform anymore tonight."

The other members nodded understandingly. They could see how sick Namjoon was and they didn't want to push him. They decided to finish the concert as a five-member group and dedicate the rest of the show to Namjoon, hoping that he would feel better soon.

As the concert ended and the fans filed out of the venue, the members stayed by Namjoon's side. He was asleep, his breathing slow and even. The doctor had assured them that he would be okay, but they couldn't help but worry. Namjoon was a crucial part of their group and they couldn't imagine performing without him.

"Hyung, wake up," Jin said gently, shaking Namjoon's shoulder.

Namjoon groaned, not wanting to wake up. But when he opened his eyes and saw the worried faces of his bandmates, he knew he had to push through the pain.

"I'm okay, really," Namjoon said, sitting up slowly.

The other members exchanged a look, not sure they believed him. But they didn't want to argue with him, they knew he was stubborn when it came to their performances.

"Are you sure you're up for performing tomorrow?" Suga asked, concern etched in his voice.

Namjoon nodded firmly. "I'll be there, no matter what."

The other members didn't argue with him, they knew how much he loved performing for their fans. But they made sure to keep a close eye on him, making sure he was getting plenty of rest and fluids.

The next day, Namjoon was feeling a little better. He was still tired and weak, but he was determined to perform for their fans. The other members were hesitant, but they knew there was no arguing with Namjoon when it came to their performances.

The concert went smoothly, but the members could tell Namjoon was struggling. He was sweating profusely and stumbling slightly as he danced. But he pushed through the pain, never once stopping or complaining.

As the concert ended and the members took their final bow, they were all smiling, happy with another successful night. But then Namjoon collapsed, falling to the ground.

"Namjoon!" the other members cried out in unison, rushing to his side.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jimin asked, worriedly.

Namjoon groaned, feeling embarrassed and weak. "I'm sorry, I think I pushed myself too hard."

The doctor from yesterday was quickly brought over to check on him. She confirmed that he was just exhausted and dehydrated, nothing serious. The members were relieved, but they knew they needed to take better care of Namjoon from now on.

The rest of the tour went smoothly, with no more incidents. But the members knew they couldn't take their health for granted. They made sure to look after each other and take breaks when they needed to. They knew that their performances were important, but not at the cost of their health.

Namjoon learned his lesson, too. He knew that he needed to take better care of himself and not push himself too hard. He didn't want to let his fans down, but he also knew that there was more to life than just performing. He promised himself and his bandmates that he would take care of himself from now on, no matter what.

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