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Thanks for the request httpseokjin- 💜🙏!

Jin had been pushing himself too hard lately. Between their rigorous tour schedule and endless promotions, he had been running on fumes for weeks. Not one to complain, he kept going until he couldn't take it anymore. That day, they were supposed to have a fan meeting and Jin was feeling absolutely exhausted.

His bandmates noticed his tired demeanor and tried to encourage him. "You good, Jin?" Hoseok asked, seeing the lack of energy in his movements.

Jin nodded, "Of course! Just a little tired, but nothing I can't handle!"

"Come on, Jin! We're all in this together. Don't feel like you have to hide anything," Yoongi said, pushing his friend further.

Jin sighed, "I'm really fine, guys. Stop worrying."

The others looked at each other, worried. Something was off about Jin, but they didn't know what it was. Even Jungkook, who usually didn't notice anything, was picking up on his hyung's lethargy.

"Jin-hyung, are you sure you're okay?" he asked.

"I'm sure. It's just been a long few weeks. I'll be fine," Jin insisted.

But as the fan meeting progressed, Jin's energy seemed to wane even further. Fans were worried about him, and he could tell. He tried to keep up with his members, but he was feeling weaker and weaker by the minute.

"Jin, are you sure you're okay?" Namjoon asked, taking in his friend's cold sweat and flushed cheeks.

"Uh, yeah, I'm okay," Jin said, trying to put on a smile.

His stomach churned and he knew he was in trouble. By the end of the event, Jin could barely stand up straight. He stumbled back to their dressing room, feeling more and more nauseous.

"Jin, what's wrong?" Taehyung asked as soon as Jin entered the room.

"I don't feel so good," Jin admitted, collapsing onto the couch.

The other members rushed to his side, all expressing their concern. "What happened, Jin? Why didn't you tell us you were feeling sick?" Jimin asked.

"I thought I was just tired...but my stomach feels terrible," Jin groaned, holding his gut.

As soon as he said that, Jin vomited all over the floor. The others scrambled to help, cleaning up the mess and trying to keep him comfortable. Jin was mortified, but he couldn't deny the relief he felt from getting the poison out of his system.

"Jin, why didn't you tell us earlier?" Hoseok asked, offering him some water.

Jin shrugged, feeling like an idiot. "I didn't want to worry anyone. I thought it was just from being too tired."

"That's what we're here for, though," Yoongi said, placing a hand on Jin's shoulder. "To take care of each other."

Jin nodded, feeling grateful for his friends. "I'm sorry for being stupid."

"It's okay, Jin-hyung. We'll take care of you," Jungkook said, smiling at him.

From that point on, the members took turns taking care of Jin. They made sure he had enough fluids, cooked him soup, and helped him rest. Jin couldn't believe how lucky he was to have such a supportive group of friends.

"I can't believe I was dumb enough to fake being okay," he admitted, sniffling in embarrassment.

"Hey, we've all been there," Namjoon said, trying to make him feel better. "Well, except for Jungkook. He's always perfect."

Jungkook blushed but tried to act cool. "I'm just glad Jin-hyung is getting better."

Slowly but surely, Jin was starting to feel better too. His team had taken such good care of him that he was almost starting to feel guilty.

"I can't believe how much you guys are doing for me," he said.

"That's what friends are for," Taehyung said, hugging him.

As time went on, Jin promised himself that he wouldn't let himself get that sick again without telling someone. He had learned his lesson the hard way about the dangers of pushing himself beyond his limits. But he knew that, with the support of his friends, he could get through anything.

"Thanks, guys. You mean the world to me," he said, beaming at them.

"You too, Jin," Jimin said, grinning. "Now stop being such a drama king and go rest!"

Everyone laughed, and Jin felt happy. It was good to know that even when he was at his lowest, his friends were there for him. He had never felt more grateful for their kindness and love.

As he drifted off to sleep with his friends by his side, Jin realized that he wasn't just sick. He was surrounded by people who truly loved him, and nothing could bring him down when he had them in his corner.

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