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Taehyung had always been the most energetic member of BTS. He loved dancing, and his passion for music always shone through in every performance. But during a recent rehearsal, disaster struck. Taehyung landed on his leg the wrong way and felt a sharp pain shoot up his body.

He tried to shake it off, but the pain only grew worse. Taehyung knew something was wrong, but he didn't want to let the rest of the group down. So, he soldiered on, trying to keep up with the choreography as best he could. But it wasn't long before the pain became unbearable.

"Guys," Taehyung muttered, wincing as he tried to stand up. "My leg. Something's wrong."

The other members barely glanced in his direction, focused on perfecting their moves. Jungkook, however, did notice Taehyung's discomfort.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jungkook asked, concerned.

Taehyung struggled to his feet, trying to ignore the pain. "I'm fine, Jungkook. Just a little sore."

Jungkook wasn't convinced, but he didn't want to undermine Taehyung's confidence. So, he returned to practicing, urging the others to focus on the steps. But as the hours wore on, Taehyung's condition only grew worse.

He twisted his ankle, making it nearly impossible to keep up with the rest of the group. Every step was agony, but he refused to show any weakness. His determination was admirable, but it wasn't worth the damage he was doing to his body.

"Guys, seriously," Taehyung said, gritting his teeth and trying not to cry. "I think I broke my leg."

This time, the others couldn't ignore Taehyung's pain. They gathered around him, concerned expressions on their faces.

"Are you serious, Taehyung?" Jin asked, examining his leg.

"I think so," Taehyung replied. "I can barely put any weight on it."

The rest of the BTS members immediately sprang into action, helping Taehyung to a chair and fetching ice packs and pain medication.

"You should have said something earlier, hyung," Jimin scolded. "We don't want you to hurt yourself."

Taehyung shrugged, trying to play it off. "I didn't want to be a burden."

The other members glared at him, not satisfied with that answer. But they didn't press the issue, wanting to focus on getting Taehyung the help he needed.

The next few days were tough for Taehyung. He was in a lot of pain and couldn't participate in any of the group's activities. But his bandmates rallied around him, bringing him food, keeping him company, and helping him to move around when necessary.

"Thank you, guys," Taehyung said, tears in his eyes. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Of course, hyung," Jungkook replied, smiling reassuringly. "We're always here for you."

It took a few weeks for Taehyung to fully recover, but his enthusiasm for music and performing never waned. And the experience taught him a valuable lesson: never be afraid to ask for help when you need it. After all, the BTS members were more than just his bandmates - they were family.

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