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It was supposed to be a day off for BTS, but instead, sickness struck the group one by one. First, it was Jimin who woke up with a scratchy throat, then Jungkook began coughing during breakfast, followed by V feeling feverish and dizzy. By midday, Jin started sneezing uncontrollably, and Suga complained of a headache and runny nose. RM had been feeling queasy all day but had tried to ignore it until it became unbearable.

The seven of them decided to stay in the dorm and take care of each other, knowing that they couldn't go out in public with such illnesses.

"It's like a plague hit us," Jin said while grabbing a tissue as he blew his nose.

"I feel weak," V mumbled, snuggling under a blanket on the couch. "What do we do now?"

"We need to take some medicine and get rest," Suga replied, taking some orange liquid from a bottle.

"But we also have to eat," Jungkook said between coughs. "We can't just neglect our bodies."

"I can make some soup," Jimin offered, his voice hoarse. "It might help with our sore throats."

RM nodded, trying to steady his stomach. "That's a good idea. I'll help you."

After a few minutes of rummaging around in the kitchen, Jimin and RM managed to throw together a chicken noodle soup that was hot and comforting.

"Here, drink this," RM said, handing a bowl to Jin, his voice gentle. "It will help with the congestion."

"Thanks," Jin replied, taking the bowl and sipping the soup slowly. "It tastes good."

"We have plenty, so everyone can have some," Jimin said, ladling more soup into bowls.

The group gathered in the living room, slurping their soup, coughing, and sniffling. They tried to make small talk, but their throats were too raw, and their energy too low.

"Can we watch a movie?" Jungkook asked, his eyes drooping.

"That sounds good. I'll choose one," Suga said, grabbing the remote.

The movie played, and soon the sound of sniffling and coughs mixed with the soundtrack. As they watched, they started to feel better, the warmth of the soup and the comfort of being together easing their symptoms.

"Can we take a nap?" V asked, his eyes already closed.

"Of course," Jimin replied, tucking a blanket around V's shoulders. "Let's all take a nap."

They all dozed off into a deep slumber, one by one, snoring and coughing in unison.

Hours passed before someone stirred, and it was Jin, who awoke first. He found everyone still sleeping, sneaking out of the living room to make tea and find any other remedies that he could.

As he placed cups of tea on a tray and headed back to the living room, he heard someone stir behind him. Turning, he found Suga standing in the doorway with a bottle of water in hand.

"Can't sleep?" Jin asked, handing him a cup of tea.

Suga shook his head, taking the tea. "Not really. My head still aches, and I can't breathe properly."

Jin nodded, placing his hand on Suga's forehead to feel his temperature. "You're still a bit feverish, but the tea should help."

"Thanks, Jin."

They both made themselves comfortable in the living room, keeping an eye on the others as they took turns waking up, drinking tea, and taking medicine.

"Can anyone check on JHope, I didn't hear him since he went to the bathroom."

After the bathroom stop, Hoseok didn't feel like going back were the others were so he went back to his room and curled up in bed, shivering even under the blankets. His throat felt like sandpaper and his head throbbed with pain. He wished someone was there to take care of him, but the other members were busy with their own struggles.

Just then, a knock came on the door. It was Jimin, holding a bowl of soup. "Hey, Hoseok, we were worried about you and since I'm the only one who is feeling a little better I came here to check on you," he said with a smile.

J-Hope couldn't help but smile back, touched by Jimin's kindness. He sat up and took a sip of the soup, grateful for the warmth it brought to his body.

As Jimin chatted and kept him company, J-Hope slowly started to feel better. His throat was less raw and his head no longer throbbed as much.

"Thanks, Jimin," J-Hope said, feeling much better than before. "You're the best."

Jimin shrugged, "It's nothing. I just want you to feel better."

Two days later they were still ill.

"Guys, we need to rest," RM said, standing up with difficulty. "We have a performance in a few days, and we need to be well enough for that."

"I know. We'll take it easy," Jimin said, sitting up to hold V's hand. "We'll take care of each other."

It wasn't until late that night that the group started to feel normal again, their symptoms subsiding and their energy returning.

"Hey, guys. I feel better," Jungkook said, smiling widely.

"I do too," V agreed. "We're almost back to normal."

"Thank goodness for that," Suga said, standing up and stretching. "Let's get some sleep."

They all agreed, the exhaustion from their sickness taking over and forcing them to retire for the night.

The next day, they all seemed to be back to their usual selves. But they knew better than to push themselves too hard. They spent the day resting, drinking tea, and strengthening their immune systems, knowing that they couldn't afford to fall sick again.

For the rest of their lives, they reminisced about the day they were all sick in the dorm, and how, even though it was a horrible time, it brought them closer together as a group.

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