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Hoseok left us too! But I'm happy for them!! 💜

Hoseok had been feeling unwell since yesterday evening. He had aching muscles, fever and cold chills that just wouldn't abate. He had a sneaking suspicion that he might have caught the flu from someone he had met recently. Reluctantly, he decided to cancel all his appointments for the day and stay put in his hotel room.

As he lay in bed, Hoseok thought about how unlucky he was to have fallen ill on this day. His band BTS was in the midst of their world tour and they had a performance scheduled later tonight. Hoseok was their main dancer and he couldn't imagine having to perform while feeling weak and drained.

Just then, Jin, a fellow bandmate, walked into the room bearing a tray of food. "Hey, Hobi," he said, using Hoseok's nickname. "I heard you're feeling unwell. I made you some chicken soup."

Hoseok forced himself to sit up and give Jin a grateful smile. He took a sip of the soup and found that it was warm and soothing. "Thanks, Jin hyung," he said. "You're the best."

Jin just grinned and patted Hoseok on the back. "Don't mention it, Hobi. You just focus on getting better, alright?"

Hoseok nodded and lay back down. He knew that Jin was right. He needed to rest and recuperate if he wanted to get back on his feet in time for the show tonight. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

But sleep eluded him. He was restless and uncomfortable. His body felt as if it was on fire, while his head throbbed with pain. He could hear the sound of his own heartbeat, irregular and thudding. He wondered if this was what it felt like to die.

Suddenly, the door burst open and in walked his other bandmates. V, Jungkook, Jimin, RM and Suga all jostled for space in the tiny hotel room. "Hobi! Are you okay?" they all exclaimed at once.

Hoseok was both touched and annoyed by their concern. Touched because he realized how much his bandmates cared for him, and annoyed because he didn't want to feel like a burden to them. "I'm fine," he said weakly. "Just a little under the weather, that's all."

But his bandmates weren't convinced. Jungkook walked over to the bed and placed a hand on Hoseok's forehead. "You've got a fever, hyung. You can't go to the show like this."

Hoseok groaned inwardly. He knew that Jungkook was right. He couldn't perform in his current state. He wondered if the other members were also going to force him to cancel the show.

But to his surprise, Jimin spoke up. "Don't worry, Hobi. We've got this," he said. "We'll cover for you. You just rest and get better. We'll take care of everything else."

Hoseok felt a surge of gratitude towards his bandmates. He realized that he didn't have to do everything alone. He had his team to rely on. "Thanks, guys," he said, struggling to keep the tears from his eyes. "You're the best bandmates anyone could ask for."

And so, Hoseok spent the rest of the day lying in bed, surrounded by his bandmates who took turns checking on him, bringing him soup and medication, and making sure he was comfortable. Hoseok felt lucky to have such friends who cared for him so deeply.

As the hours ticked by, Hoseok felt his fever subside and his muscles loosen up. By the time the show was due to start, he felt well enough to sit up and watch his bandmates perform from the sidelines. He felt a rush of pride and joy watching them dance and sing, knowing that they had his back.

After the show, his bandmates returned to his room, their faces beaming with joy and sweat. They gathered around Hoseok's bed and high-fived each other, relieved that everything had gone smoothly. "We did it, hyung!" exclaimed Jungkook. "You missed a great show, though. Too bad you couldn't be there."

Hoseok just smiled and shook his head. "I was there, in spirit," he said. "And I couldn't have done it without you guys. Thanks for being there for me."

And with those words, Hoseok drifted off to sleep, feeling grateful and loved.

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