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Thanks for the request Kaisahsparkle! I hope you like it! Borahae everyone💜

Jin let out a groan as he woke up, feeling dizzy and nauseous. He had been feeling this way for the past few days now, but his bandmates had been paying no attention to him. It had been four days since he had made that terrible mistake of serving shellfish to Namjoon, causing the leader to have a severe allergic reaction that landed him in the hospital.

Jin had been so caught up in the preparations for their dinner party that he had forgotten about Namjoon's shellfish allergy. The moment he realized his mistake, he had rushed to Namjoon's side, apologizing profusely as the other members panicked.

Now, as he lay in bed, feeling weak and hopeless, he couldn't understand why the others were ignoring him. He had already apologized to Namjoon, who had forgiven him and assured him that he was okay. But the others had remained distant, barely acknowledging him.

He sighed heavily, feeling a knot in his stomach as he thought about his situation. What had he done wrong? Yes, he had made a mistake, but he had already apologized for it. Why were the others still mad at him?

The next morning, Suga, J-Hope, and Namjoon returned home from the hospital. Jin hurried over to them, relieved to see Namjoon okay. But before he could even get close, Suga and J-Hope blocked him, glaring at him fiercely.

"Stay away from Namjoon," Suga growled. "You could have killed him with your mistake!"

Jin flinched at his words, tears welling up in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Save your apologies for someone who cares," J-Hope snapped, shoving him away.

The maknae line rushed over to Namjoon, asking him if he was okay. The leader smiled weakly and nodded, but Jin could see the concern in his eyes.

Namjoon tries to talk, to tell his friends not to ignore Jin anymore, because he didn't do it on purpose.

"Guys, please," Jin pleaded, his voice shaking. "I made a mistake, but I'm sorry. Can't we move on from this?"

But the others ignored him, leading Namjoon to his bedroom without a second glance.

Days turned into a week, and Jin's condition worsened. He was barely eating anything, his energy levels were at an all-time low, and he was constantly throwing up. Suga, J-Hope, and the maknae line had grown more distant, barely talking to him even when they were in the same room.

One morning, Jin woke up feeling even worse than usual. His whole body felt like it was on fire, and he could barely get out of bed. He tried to call out to his bandmates, but his voice was weak, barely a whisper.

It was then that he fainted, collapsing to the floor with a thud.

The other members rushed to his side, horrified by what they saw. Jin was burning up, and his breathing was shallow and labored. They helped him up and quickly took him to the hospital.

For once, Suga, J-Hope, and the maknae line were the ones feeling guilty. They had been ignoring Jin this whole time, and now he was in the hospital. They could barely bring themselves to look at him as he lay there, pale and weak.

Namjoon, on the other hand, was furious. He had been trying to tell them that Jin didn't mean to harm him, but they had refused to listen. Now, they were faced with the harsh reality of their actions.

"Jungkook, go get him some water," Namjoon ordered, his voice firm. "And Jimin, can you help me sit him up?"

The maknae line and Jin's others friends quickly jumped to help, grateful for Namjoon's kindness. The others watched in silence, realizing that they had been in the wrong all along.

It took a few days for Jin to recover, but when he did, he was surprised to find that his bandmates were actually helping him. They brought him food, checked up on him, and talked to him like nothing had happened.

"I'm sorry, Jin," Suga finally said, breaking the silence in the room. "We should have listened to you earlier."

"Yeah, we were wrong," J-Hope added, looking down at his feet. "We're sorry."

Jin smiled weakly, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. "It's okay. I forgive you guys."

From that day on, the members of BTS became much closer. They learned to trust each other and to listen when someone had something to say. And as for Jin, he made sure to double-check everyone's allergies before cooking anything for them.

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