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It was a typical day at the dorm for BTS, with the members hanging out and working on their music. Jimin seemed to be in a particularly upbeat mood, laughing and joking around with his bandmates.

But as the day went on, Jimin's energy began to wane. He started coughing, at first just once or twice, then more frequently. The other members began to notice that he was looking a bit worn out, and asked if he was feeling okay.

"I'm fine, guys," Jimin insisted. "Just a little tickle in my throat."

Namjoon, always the responsible member, suggested that Jimin take it easy for the rest of the day and get some rest. But Jimin insisted that he was feeling okay, and didn't want to miss out on any of the fun.

As the evening wore on, Jimin's coughing grew more persistent, and he began to develop a fever. He tried to hide his symptoms from his bandmates, but they could tell that something was seriously wrong.

"Jimin, you look terrible," Yoongi said, concerned.

"I'm fine," Jimin insisted weakly. "Just a little under the weather."

Jungkook, who idolized Jimin and looked up to him as a role model, was particularly worried. He knew that Jimin was always the one to put on a brave face, even when he wasn't feeling well.

"Hyung, please don't push yourself too hard," Jungkook pleaded.

But Jimin refused to take it easy, insisting on working on their latest song until the early hours of the morning. The other members watched him with concern, but didn't want to push him too hard.

Eventually, Jimin collapsed on the couch, his breathing ragged and shallow. The other members rushed to his side, calling out his name in panic.

"Jimin, can you hear me?" Jin asked, shaking his shoulders gently.

But Jimin was unresponsive, his eyes closed and his body wracked with coughing fits.

"We need to get him to a hospital," Namjoon said, already dialing for an ambulance.

The other members stood by helplessly as Jimin was taken away, his condition deteriorating rapidly.

At the hospital, the doctors worked hard to stabilize Jimin, pumping him full of fluids and antibiotics. The other members paced the waiting room, each lost in their own thoughts and worries.

"What if it's something serious?" Taehyung asked, wringing his hands.

"Hush," Jin scolded gently. "We can't think like that. Jimin is strong, he'll pull through."

As the hours wore on, Jimin's condition grew worse. He was put on a ventilator to help him breathe, and the doctors ran countless tests to try and determine what was causing his illness.

Finally, after days of waiting, the test results came back. The doctors informed BTS that Jimin had been suffering from a rare autoimmune disorder, which had been attacking his lungs.

The news was devastating to the other members, who had never heard of such a disease before. They gathered around Jimin's bedside, holding his hands and praying for his recovery.

For days, Jimin lay in a hospital bed, hooked up to countless machines and medicines. His bandmates visited him every day, bringing him gifts and messages of support.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Jimin began to show signs of improvement. He was taken off the ventilator, and began to eat solid food again. Slowly but surely, he began to regain his strength.

As he was wheeled out of the hospital, Jimin couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards his bandmates. They had been there for him through every step of his illness, never giving up hope or losing faith in his recovery.

"Thank you," he said to them as they left the hospital. "Thank you for everything."

The members smiled at him, tears in their eyes, and hugged him tightly.

"Of course, hyung," Jungkook said. "We'll always be here for you."

Jimin smiled weakly, still feeling a bit weak and dizzy, but grateful to be surrounded by such amazing friends. As they walked out of the hospital and into the bright sunlight, he knew that he would never forget this experience, and the deep bond that it had forged between him and his bandmates.

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