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Summary: The members of BTS gather at their dorm for a long-awaited day off, but when J-Hope suddenly falls ill, the other members must step in to help nurse their friend back to health.


The sun was shining brightly through the living room window of the BTS dorm. The members were scattered about, enjoying their rare and much-needed day off. Jin and V were engaged in a heated video game battle, while Jungkook and Suga relaxed with their headphones on. RM and Jimin sat on the floor, flipping through photo albums, reminiscing about their journey as artists.

Suddenly, they heard the bathroom door open, and J-Hope emerged, looking pale and visibly unwell.

RM noticed him first, concern coloring his features. "Hobi, are you okay? You don't look well."

J-Hope attempted to brush off RM's concern with a weak chuckle. "No, I'm fine, just a little tired. I think I just need to rest."

Jimin frowned and approached J-Hope, placing the back of his hand on his friend's forehead. "You're burning up. Sit down, Hobi."

J-Hope reluctantly allowed Jimin to guide him to the couch. The other members quickly gathered around, watching him with concern.

Jin immediately stepped in with his signature motherly instinct. "I'll make you some soup and tea. Stay put and rest, okay?"

"Thank you, Jin," J-Hope muttered, still trying to maintain his usual sunny disposition.

Sitting down next to J-Hope, Jungkook bravely declared, "We'll take care of you, hyung. You've done so much for us; it's our turn to help you."

The others nodded their agreement, their expressions filled with love and concern for their friend. Suga took charge and designated tasks.

"Jungkook, stay with him and grab some blankets. V, fetch him some water. Jimin, look for any medicine we might have, and RM, keep an eye on Jin in the kitchen."

Everyone moved into action. Jimin rummaged through the medicine cabinet and came back with a bottle of pills suitable for their friend's fever. V brought a glass of water, while Jungkook wrapped his ailing hyung in a blanket.

J-Hope tried to wave away their assistance, but his usual brightness had been dimmed by his fever and chills. "Guys, seriously… You don't need to do all of this… I'll be fine."

RM placed a hand on J-Hope's shoulder, his deep voice firm yet gentle. "We won't take any risks. We all need you, Hobi."

"Right," Suga interjected, ever the pragmatist. "We need to make sure you recover quickly, so you can keep up with our rigorous schedules."

In the kitchen, Jin stirred a large pot of porridge while chatting with RM. RM smiled, grateful for Jin's ability to remain calm in times of stress.

Jimin knelt beside J-Hope, pressing a cool cloth to his forehead. He wore an earnest expression as he leaned in and whispered, "Hyung, we love you. It's okay to let us take care of you like this."

Despite feeling terrible, J-Hope's eyes glistened with gratitude. "Thank you, Jimin. I love you too."

As the day went on, the members took turns caring for J-Hope. They fed him, pampered him, and entertained him with jokes and stories.

That evening, as the fever began to subside, Jungkook played a soft ballad on his guitar, while the others softly sang along, their voices harmonizing perfectly.

"Thank you, guys," J-Hope whispered when the song came to an end.

Jin nodded, his eyes warm and understanding. "We're a family, Hobi. We'll always be here for each other, through thick and thin."

And as night fell, the members of BTS huddled close together around J-Hope, a strong and beautiful bond connecting them all.

We will always stay together! 💜💜💜

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