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Jin had been feeling off for the past few days, but he didn't think much of it until he woke up one morning with a sore throat and a pounding headache. He had a busy schedule ahead of him, with rehearsals and interviews for their upcoming album release, but he pushed through, determined not to let his illness get in the way.

However, as the days went on, Jin's condition only worsened. The sore throat turned into a raging fever, and the pounding headache became a constant ache in his temples. Despite his efforts to soldier on, Jin found himself becoming increasingly irritable and short-tempered, snapping at his bandmates and crew members for the slightest infractions.

It wasn't long before the rest of BTS caught on to Jin's illness, and they grew increasingly concerned as he pushed himself harder and harder. Yoongi, who was known for his bluntness, finally pulled Jin aside after a particularly grueling rehearsal and confronted him about the state of his health.

"You're not doing yourself any favors by pushing yourself like this," Yoongi said bluntly. "You need to rest and take care of yourself."

Jin bristled at the criticism, feeling unfairly singled out. "I'm fine," he insisted. "I can handle it."

But as the days went on, Jin's condition continued to deteriorate. He became increasingly fatigued and weak, struggling to even get out of bed in the morning. He began to miss rehearsals and interviews, much to the frustration of his bandmates and managers.

Namjoon tried to reason with him, telling him that he was jeopardizing their album release and tour if he didn't get better soon. "We need you at your best," Namjoon said firmly.

Jin felt increasingly isolated and blamed for his illness, as if he had somehow brought it upon himself. He became defensive and withdrawn, feeling like no one understood what he was going through. He began to resent his bandmates for not being more understanding, blaming them for his stress and anxiety.

It wasn't until he collapsed during a soundcheck that Jin finally realized how serious his condition had become. The rest of BTS rushed to his side, frantically trying to cool down his fever and make him comfortable. Jin felt helpless and vulnerable, realizing that he had been denying the severity of his illness all along.

The next few days were a blur of doctor's appointments and hospital visits as Jin received treatment for his illness. He felt ashamed and embarrassed to have let his condition get so out of hand, and he struggled to reconcile with his bandmates and managers.

However, as they all gathered in his hospital room, taking turns reading to him and bringing him his favorite foods, Jin realized that he wasn't alone. Though he had felt isolated and blamed for his illness, the rest of BTS was there for him, supporting him through his recovery and reminding him that they were a team.

It wasn't a fun experience, but Jin came out the other side of his illness with a newfound appreciation for his health, his bandmates, and the importance of taking care of himself. Though he still felt a twinge of resentment towards those who had blamed him for his illness, he knew that it was ultimately his responsibility to prioritize his wellbeing. And in the end, he was grateful for the support and love of those around him, even in the darkest moments.

I post this first because I miss Jin. But I already have 3 more ready. The next one that will be posted tomorrow has been made a request. Love you everyone! Borahae 💜

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