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Jimin had been feeling unwell for a few days now, but he had been ignoring it, thinking that he could just push through it. But it seemed like he just couldn't ignore it any longer.

He had a fever that refused to go down, and he was feeling incredibly weak. He tried to get up from bed, but his body just wouldn't cooperate.

His bandmates had noticed his behavior, but they thought that Jimin could deal with it himself. But as they watched him struggle to move, they knew they had to do something.

Jungkook went to Jimin's side and placed a hand on his forehead. "Hyung, you're burning up," he said, concern etched on his face.

Suga took out a thermometer and took Jimin's temperature, frowning as he saw the high readings. "You shouldn't have ignored this, Jimin. You need to rest," he scolded gently.

Jimin weakly protested, "But I have schedules to attend to, I can't just lay here like this."

Jin smiled at him, "It's okay, we got this. You need to focus on getting better and we'll take care of the rest."

The rest of the members helped Jimin get comfortable in bed, making sure he had enough water and medicine to take. They took charge of his schedules, making sure he didn't have any appointments for the next few days.

As the days went on, Jimin slowly started to feel better. But his bandmates still made sure he didn't overdo it.

J-Hope brought him his favorite soup and tea, while RM brought a stack of books to keep him occupied. Taehyung offered to play games with him and Yoongi made sure he was taking his medicine on time.

Jimin felt grateful for the love and care his bandmates provided him. It made him realize that he wasn't alone in this, and that they all had each other's backs, even in sickness.

As he lay in bed, surrounded by his bandmates, he couldn't help but feel lucky. Lucky to have such amazing people by his side, and grateful for their love and support.

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