The first day

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We woke up early much to my dismay, for our first day as third years at ouran academy. I wasn't thrilled, but Annabeth was ecstatic. Of course she was, she was my wise girl who loved learning. Why wouldn't she be exited? 

We went down for breakfast of cereal, since we didn't want to wake my mom, and saw Paul downstairs pouring himself some coffee. "Be sure to dress nice-ish. It's a very formal school." Of course it is.

"Got it." as tempting as it was to just throw on a Hawaiian shirt, I decided not to test anything. But it would be fun to dress like dad. 

After we finished our breakfast, Annabeth and I headed upstairs to get dressed. She grabbed a skirt and blouse and went into the bathroom to change, while I went with a pair of black jeans with a blue polo shirt. Annabeth took a little longer than me, cause she decided to do some light makeup, and braid her hair, but when she came out, gods she was beautiful. Not that she wasn't already, but gods, she looked even more so. 

We came down to see my mom was up now and finishing packing lunch for us, while she ate a peanut butter and mayo sandwich. I said nothing. The woman was five months pregnant after all. She smiled at me, and Paul gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Here you go you three." She said, seeming kind of sleepy. She was still in her pj's and couldn't have coffee while pregnant. I gave my mom a kiss on the forehead. 

"Go on back to sleep. You look like you need it."

"And let the house collect dust? No way." She smiled. "I'm gonna see what I can get done for now until I get too big to do anything." I sighed. 

"Don't hurt yourself."

"Percy, we got to go! Your stepdad's gonna leave us if we don't!" Annabeth called walking out the door. I chuckled. 

"I'm coming wise girl, don't worry." 

"I'm your girlfriend. It's my job to worry about you." 

"Aww, how sweet. I'm flattered." She rolled her eyes as we got in, her riding shotgun. 

We arrived at the school, and went in. Paul went ahead to his classroom, while we went to the office to grab our schedules. I thought I saw a couple girls staring, but when I looked there was nothing. Must be my imagination. 

After getting our schedules, we headed to our classroom, which we had together. We made our way to the third year hall, and went into class 3-A. The room had really nice desks, and a large view of the pond outside, which made me smile. I really wanted to go say hi to the fish, but I held myself back for now. I would soon enough though. "So wise girl, are you gonna stick around and watch me at the swim tryouts?"

"Nah. I think I'm actually going to find a club for me to join." She said, as we switched to Japanese. "I'll have myself a look around, and let you know what I find. But have fun trying out for the swim team." She gave me a look that warned me to not use my powers to cheat. I grinned innocently at that glare, but on the inside I was shrinking back. She chuckled. 

We took some seats next to the window, and talked a little more before the teacher walked in. "Hello class, I am Mr. Sugaya. Listen for your names as I call attendance." A bunch of names I didn't recognize, but I did see a short guy with blonde hair say here. Apparently he was actually a third year and not an elementary schooler. "Perseus Jackson?"

"Just call me Percy." 

"Oh, do you not like your name? It's the name of one of Greece's most famous hero's and a son of Zeus."

"I know. That's why I don't like it. I don't like Zeus." He shrugged, and went on with his attendance. Thunder roared in the distance, making some people jump. Mostly cause it was a cloudless day. 

"Annabeth Chase?"

"Here." I zoned out again until class started. It was boring, and I just wanted to jump around or something, anything really to blow off steam. By the tome lunch rolled around, I went up to Annabeth who looked just as fidgety as me.

"Want to go outside and fight a bit?"

"Seaweed brain, I'm wearing a skirt. No."

"Right, right. Wanna go for a run instead?" She smiled at that.

"Now that sounds better."

"If you're looking to spar we can go with you?" The short blonde said. Annabeth sighed. I looked to see a tall guy with black hair and grey eyes like Annabeth. "If its alright with you that is." I looked at her.

"Go on. Ill go for a jog and catch up." I smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks wise girl." She rolled her eyes, but smiled. With that I walked off with the two. "So who are you guys anyways?"

"I'm mitsukini haninozuka, but everyone calls me honey. This is takashi morinozuka, my cousin. Everyone just calls him Mori though."

"Percy Jackson. Nice to meet you two."

"How long have you been practicing martial arts?"

"I don't exactly do that. I just fight people cause its fun. But I've been fighting since I was twelve, but Annabeth's better at hand to hand."

"Your girlfriend fights too?"

"Since she was seven." He smiled.

"Both our families excel in martial arts. We've both been training since we were five." I nodded. They seem like they'll be experienced, but they might have a good challenge against me. After all, they never had to fight gods. "So per-chan, do you use anything when you fight?"


"Habit." Mori replied. I nodded and shrugged.

"Well my dad gave me a sword, but its at home. I haven't really seen him in a while though." He looked at me, his head tilted to the side. "Long story short, he and my mom never married. I live with her and my stepdad though. And Annabeth lives with us." He nodded. We arrived at what looked like a gym.

"Well we're here! You ready?"


When we were done, we were both covered in a light sheen of sweat and drank some water, refreshing me instantly. "You sure you've only been fighting since you were twelve? You fight like a warrior!" I chuckled. Oh boy if he knew.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Seaweed brain!" I heard a familiar voice call. I smiled.

"Why does she call you that?"

"Cause compared to her, my brain is full of kelp." She ran up to us.

"Its almost time to get back to class. You done?"

"Yeah. Feeling a lot better too."

"Good. Come on." I smiled and my new friends stood up too. We all walked back quietly, and sat back down for our next lesson, one taught by my stepdad.

"Hello class, I'm Mr. Blofis. Yes I know it sounds like Blowfish. Please try not to call me that though." I chuckled and my stepdad had a twinkle in his eye. "Welcome to English."

After classes, I wanted to sprint to the swim team, but I had no clue where it was. I asked Paul, but he had no clue either. Asking honey, he gladly showed me the way before he went to his own club. Meanwhile Annabeth was looking for a club to join herself. To say I was exited was an understatement.

I was ecstatic.

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