Swim tryouts

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When I got to the locker rooms, I just hoped the mist would cover my scars for the most part while I changed into my swim trunks, that were blue with little orange guppies over it. I got a few snickers from it, but I honestly didn't care. I liked them and that's all that mattered.

I headed out to the pool and dived in, feeling the coolness of the water envelope me in a familiar hug. As if my dad was hugging me home. I smiled under the water. I felt good, like I just drank the most soothing drink ever; my moms blue cocoa. Instantly I felt energized and broke to the surface. I could stay under all day, but mortals need air.

I began to swim some, warming up my muscles. I wouldn't use my powers too much. People might get suspicious if I do that. Soon enough though, it was time for the meet to start. "Okay people. Some of you are new here, but here's how things are going to go. I want to see the best of everyone out there. Whoever I see is best will be our captain for the year. No you're not able to back out of it." He looked at me. "Well it seems we have a common student here. What's your name and how long have you been swimming competitively?" He asked me. I made up a lie for the second part.

"Percy Jackson. I've been swimming competitively for the past seven years." He nodded, seemingly satisfied by this.

"Everyone in position. We'll start out with broad strokes first." With that, we got into position, and with the blow of a whistle, we were off.

Sure I could beat every record this school had and then some using my powers, but I decided to rely on my actual ability- shocking I know. I placed 2nd, right behind some guy named Daisuke. He sneered at me. What the hell was that about? Okay, no more playing fair. I'd use a little bit of my powers.

"Oh sorry, did I hurt your commoners feelings? I should warn you, I've been captain for the past two years."

"Wow, I guess the people here must really suck then, huh? You may have beat me now, but I assure you it won't happen again."

"Ooh I'm so scared." I clenched my fist and took a deep breath. I ended up walking away before I could punch him, but I may or may not have made it so he fell into the pool by slipping on ice. When he resurfaced, he coughed up water, and looked around. People were laughing at him behind their hands and I was trying my best not to look proud.

He looked around sheepishly before getting back out. The coach looked proud of how things were going so far, likely expecting the guy from earlier to end up as captain again. "Next up, is back stroke." We got ready. "Swimmers, on your marks, get set.." He blew the whistle, and we were off. I zoomed in front of everyone, feeling the boost I get from the water kicking in. My scars were slowly fading while I was in the water. Heh, thanks dad. 

I made it to the other end way before anyone else, and smiled. The guy from before glared at me. "Oh sorry, did I hurt your little blueblood feelings?" His glare intensified, but it was nothing compared to Annabeth's. "Something tells me your feelings aren't the only thing that's small." 

People around me started to laugh openly. 

"I'll get you commoner, just watch." 

"Okay boys, break it up. No making fun now. We all want to be good sports here." He looked at Daisuke. "After all, our pride might just be our downfall for some of us." I had a feeling that was his fatal flaw. He looked at the time. "We have about an hour left, and you all still need to shower and change before I can let you go. Butterfly strokes, saving the hardest for last. Everyone in position." Another blow of the whistle and we were off, and I zoomed past everyone, but by a slimmer margin this time to make it look like I was normal. Well, as normal as you can get for the son of posidon and two time hero of Olympus. 

I reached the end a few seconds before Daisuke, and the coach looked pleased. 

"Okay, that's about all we have for today. Go shower and change. Results will be posted at the end of the week." We all nodded as we climbed out, and hit the showers. Technically I didn't need it, but whatever. I was covered in sweat after all. 

After I was showered and dressed, I went to go find my wise girl. I wondered the halls, finding her in the architect club, right next to an abandoned music room. I walked in, and saw at least ten people talking about building designs, and I cleared my throat. Annabeth's eyes widened and lit up. "Percy!" She hugged me, and I smiled. The room was nicely lit, with some couches and tables, each with housing magazines. I had to admit, it looked nice. 

"You ready to go, or am I waiting round a while?"

"We're almost done here. 30 minutes." 

"Deal." I sat in a spare chair, as they continued to talk. I mostly just admired how Annabeth looked when she was excitedly talking about things like this. 

A week later, I was talking with honey and mori while Annabeth chatted with some friends from her club, when I saw the results being posted. "Hey, lets go see who got on the team!" I was exited like a little puppy. Mori nodded and honey was already on his way over. I tried to read it but damn dyslexia. Everything was jumping around. "I literally can't read this. Did I make it?"

"You can't read it?"

"Dyslexia. Everything looks like it's jumping around to me." He shrugged, before scanning the poster for my name. 

"Per-chan! You made it!"

"I did?!" I feigned surprise. "Who's the captain?"


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