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The next day Anakin and Padme were up early to attend the trial of the declaring of the new Supreme Chancellor

The next day Anakin and Padme were up early to attend the trial of the declaring of the new Supreme Chancellor

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With Organa as one of the contestants they had fingers crossed he had evidence that will clear the Jedi

It brought to the point where Anakin once again asks his wife of weather or not Luke and Leia should be trained to be Jedi

Padme wasn't up for that especially the life of a Jedi wasn't easy on Anakin and dangerous

Padme: Anakin I thought we agreed you wouldn't train them. They wouldn't have lives or families of their own.

Anakin: We did

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Anakin: We did.

Padme: In secret. And in a way we still are. I mean the republic thinks I'm married to my Vice Chair not a former Jedi. Plus they don't know your real name.

Anakin: I know. Look I won't train them if you don't want me to. Just if Bale manages to clear the Jedi Order....

 Just if Bale manages to clear the Jedi Order

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Padme: No Anakin. Besides I thought you told me you wouldn't train them when we settled here.

Anakin: I did. Just from what Qui-Gon told me he....they be strong with the force.

Padme: Aren't we all? Obi-Wan says it lives in all of us.

Anakin: Yeah.

Anakin pauses and turns to Padme

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