Ahsoka Tano

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Anakin's transportation had arrived to Thibaska 

Anakin in his robe had his hood up to avoid unwanted attention

He ventured on in the force when he was deep enough he felt safe to pull down his hood and observed the trees to try and get any trimmer in the force for whatever or whoever was he supposed to find 

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He ventured on in the force when he was deep enough he felt safe to pull down his hood and observed the trees to try and get any trimmer in the force for whatever or whoever was he supposed to find 

Anakin: Master Qui-Gon....I really hope this trial really improves. I still can't shake that vision you showed me that night when the clones attacked. Though I faced and destroyed that demon in my head the Sith Lord I would have became if I had fallen for Palpatine's trick. I still feel him. He's still buried in me somewhere. For all I know I could have put Darth Vader to sleep....and not really kill him. Master Windu even said the Force works in mysterious things. Was he fighting demon in him too? I could use his expertise. Given he never trusted me but he knew the dark side in another way apart from Palpatine. I want to believe I can still bring balance to the force. But how can I do that when I now know....I'm capable of light and the darkside. I just hope whatever I find here....may be a sign that the Jedi have a chance of still being part of this balance. 

He continued on through the force until

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He continued on through the force until....he suddenly felt a familiar presence 

Anakin frowned feeling this presence in the force it was something.....very strong 

Anakin: Master. I sense something. A presence I've not felt since.......

He moved faster trying to find the source of this trimmer

Anakin was deep enough he saw movement by the trees

Anakin was deep enough he saw movement by the trees

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