Sidious strikes back

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Rolling back to the Main Timeline Obi-Wan Padme Han Chewie and all the Senators fought their way to the Landing Facility where the Millenium Falcon 

Rolling back to the Main Timeline Obi-Wan Padme Han Chewie and all the Senators fought their way to the Landing Facility where the Millenium Falcon 

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Where it was being heavily guarded by dozens of Snoke's Stormtroopers

Where it was being heavily guarded by dozens of Snoke's Stormtroopers

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Mon Mothma: There are too many of them. 

Obi-Wan: Let me worry about them. I'll draw their fire while you make way to the ship. You. You sure can get it running? 

Han: My friend you're talking to the Captain. And you're asking me if I can get it running? 

Obi-Wan: My apologies. Just get ready to run. 

Padme: But after we take off we need to head back down to the planet. Anakin's still down there. 

Obi-Wan: Agreed. Here we go! 

Obi-Wan jumps out igniting his lightsaber

The troops spotted him and they opened fire

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The troops spotted him and they opened fire

The troops spotted him and they opened fire

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