Anakin approaches Master Yoda by the cave in surprise sadden in joy to see his old mentor again
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Yoda looks up giving his old friend and the Chosen One a small smile
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Anakin: Master Yoda.
Yoda: Young Skywalker. Missed you have I.
Anakin: You were here all this time? Ever since the Jedi fell?
Yoda: That I have. Meditate here seeking knowledge through the force I was.
Anakin: This's cold. The Dark Side?
Yoda: Strong it is here.
Anakin: And Snoke....he destroyed everything! The Temple The Senate all of Coruscant! It's all gone!
Yoda: Gone it may be. But live the Order does....through you.
Anakin: But what if Obi-Wan Ahsoka Grogu you and me....are the last of the Jedi? We don't know where Master Windu is....what if---
Yoda chuckles catching Anakin off guard
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Jedi Trials
FanfictionIt's been a long while since I worked on this series but now it finally continues the alternate timeline where Anakin Skywalker does not turn to the dark side and brings balance to the force this is the the third chapter of my Star Wars Fan Fictions...