Shadows of the Past

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Obi-Wan was struck part of him knew it wasn't real but seeing his master and his master before he was a Sith brought him a little slight comfort after their future fates 

Though Obi-Wan only knew Dooku as a Sith he knew he was Qui-Gon's master before he fell to the Dark Side he was even one of Yoda's students long before his and Qui-Gon's time

Though Obi-Wan only knew Dooku as a Sith he knew he was Qui-Gon's master before he fell to the Dark Side he was even one of Yoda's students long before his and Qui-Gon's time

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Obi-Man: Master? Dooku? 

Qui-Gon: It's good to see you again my apprentice

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Qui-Gon: It's good to see you again my apprentice.

Qui-Gon: It's good to see you again my apprentice

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Dooku: Indeed. Qui-Gon spoke highly of you. 


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