It's been a long while since I worked on this series but now it finally continues the alternate timeline where Anakin Skywalker does not turn to the dark side and brings balance to the force this is the the third chapter of my Star Wars Fan Fictions...
The two heroes stood still as they saw a shuttle come out Snoke's ship they could feel the dark presence in there Anakin could even feel Padme on it too now he knew who had her for Snoke had clouded Anakin's vision on Padme's whereabouts until they found the World Between Worlds which angered Anakin for Snoke using his bait
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As the hatch open two figures descend from it it was Padme in cuffs and Snoke behind her escorted by royal guards
Anakin: Padme...
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Padme made eye contact with Anakin frighten
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And Obi-Wan in shock
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