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This is a work of fiction. All of this is just the author's imagination. The event, characters, and anything in this story are fictitious. The, attitudes, characters or personalities portrayed in this story don't represent the characters in this story in any way.

This story may contains grammar mistakes, spelling errors and typo, well I'm not that good at English.

Your author ,


Warning :some part might contains blood

The cold night breeze made the girl body shiver when someone suddenly wrapped a piece of clothing on her shoulder to stop her from feeling cold. She looks up only to see a guy already smiling at her.

He then joined her sitting down under the pine tree looking at the night sky where the full moon shines beautifully that made the profile of the guy illuminated by the moonlit night which got her lost admiring his charming smile.

"The moon is beautiful isn't it? " the guy asked.

"Yeah, you're right. " but her eyes is still fixed on him instead of the moon.

But the happy moments doesn't last that long when they were now chased by some guards trying to catch them from running away the next day.

"Dami, go hide somewhere while I distract those guys attention."

"But-" the girl doesn't want to leave her lover as she was afraid something bad will happened to him.

"Please?" he begged her so she gave up and nodded her head running to the opposite direction while her lover used himself as a bait so the guards will chased him instead.

Dami wait and wait but her lover doesn't seems like he will shows up anytime soon so she decide to go out to look just for a moment to see if he was searching for her but her step stopped when a sharp swords were now pointing at her neck but she immediately back away from it.

Before she could make any other moves the knife pierced through her chest and straight to the heart. She cough a lot of blood and fell to the ground. Her face was suddenly stomped by someone and it turned out to be none other than her husband,the majesty himself.

"You wench. I take you to become my concubine but you betrayed me by having a secret lover. What a waste of beauty I haven't even got a taste of her body." he spitted at her almost lifeless body but she suddenly grabbed his leg and the next thing she said made him even furious.

"Fck who even wanted to be your wife you old man?You're the one who's crazy over me.....did you know?...the other concubines said your thing is small so they do it with the other guards also- "

This time he stabbed her many times until she no longer can speak. Blood spattered around making her pink hanbok is now change to the colour of red- of her own blood.

"Damiiiii!!!" her lover shouted from afar as he saw the scene but the guards block his way.

"Let him be." the majesty said who's Dami husband while smiling in victory.

They let her lover passed them and he run towards her direction as fast as he can but he become slower as he got closer to his lover corpse. He fell down on his knees once he see her body are soaked in blood.

" NOOOOOO!!! "


The reason why I decided to write a park gunwook fanfiction is because I really likes him in boys planet, it's hard not to fall for him. Also, he actually reminded me a lot of my bias Jay from enhypen ^~^

Anyway what do you think about the prologue ?

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