vii. tragedy

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"Thank you for sending me back home."Dami bow her head down to Gunwook and received a simple welcome as a reply before he start riding his motorbike to the opposite direction.

She slowly open the door at the back of her house hoping that no one notice her being late but the lights on the kitchen suddenly turn on once she get inside revealing her mother who's standing near the table while crossing her arms together looking at her now.

Her mother pointed the clock on the wall with a piercing gaze and ask her the obvious question
"What time is it right now?"

"It's 1:35.. in the morning "she replied nervously looking down on the floor.

"That's right. Then what are you doing after 10 pm  when you're supposed to be home before that ?" her mom asked another question with a serious expression.

Dami bit her lip as she could hear mother familiar tones, she sounds mad,  " I was late because I went to the library after tuition today- "

Her mom suddenly cut her off, " I already called the teacher there and she said you don't attend the tuition today though. "

Dami shut her mouth after she was caught lying by her mom. How dumb for her trying to lie to her mom who knows whenever she's trying to make an excuses. Her mother is a lawyer after all.


The silent is slowly killing her inside.


" Go change your clothes and study until 4 am, without any rest." her mom told her strictly.

Dami immediately look up to say something but her mom already pointed her finger on the stairs of their houses telling her get going quickly.

"But mom-".

" I don't wanna hear any excuses. Be grateful that I didn't told you to do it until 7am. Now go."

Dami clenched her jaw and do as exactly what her mom told her to do. She was lucky enough that her mom didn't saw her with a guy earlier or else she would be scold and got punish to stay in her room for days to reflect on her own action.


Its Gyujin and his two guards sitting together enjoying their cup of tea under the big trees which protect them from the scorching sun but the peaceful environment suddenly got interrupted when someone from afar are running calling for his name.

𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 𝘱𝘳𝘬. 𝘨𝘶𝘯𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now