iv. scars

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School's cafeteria

Sooa just watch her bestfriend Dami who's daydreaming instead of eating the beef that was her literal favourite still untouched on her food tray. She doesn't even realise that her bestfriend have called her name four times.

"Yaaah- Moon Dami are you listening!?"her other bestfriend, Eun Joo raised her voice a bit surprising Dami.

Then she finally back to her sense realising that the other two have already finished their food. She look at her food tray and shoved it to her bestfriend," You guys can have this if you want. I don't have any appetite to eat right now."

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick or something?You're acting weird since just now. " Sooa finally asked concerned about her bestfriend unusual behaviour.

"Guys, actually I have something shocking to say but I'm not sure if you will believe me. " Dami confess.

"What is it?" Woongki suddenly appears surprising the three girls but they act unnothered because they already used to it.

Dami sighed and continues her story, "What if the person you never know who always appears in your dreams suddenly appears in front of you? Like why did you guys think that happened? "

"I don't know I never experience those kind of things before but I do dreams about someone I like when I think about them a lot." Eun Joo stated.

"Then that means Dami have a crush on that person? But it's impossible since she never met him." Woongki shook his head feeling lost.

"Instead of asking us why don't you try to find the answer itself. Maybe you will somehow manage to know the reason." Sooa suggest.

" Maybe you're right. " Dami let out a long sigh.


"Dami why are we having a tea time like a royalty? This is getting kind of boring." complained Gyujin to his cousin.

"Because we are? Just bare with it, my mother told us to practice didn't we? There's an important guess that will come this evening so we have to look good." Dami just shook her head but her cousin was actually right, they have been practicing for three hours that her legs become numb from sitting too long.

" I don't care about that guess why do we have try hard to impress them, let's go guys. " Gyujin commands his guards to follow him but Gunwook just sit there together with Dami to accompany her.

𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 𝘱𝘳𝘬. 𝘨𝘶𝘯𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now