iii. forgotten past

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"Finally, we're done!" Dami said messaging her shoulders that was tired after 3 hours arranging all the new books into its places and writing nonstop. Well it's her job as the leader of the library committee after all besides being her class vice chairman.

Gunwook came out of the library after her putting on his shoes then lock the door. He walk towards Dami who's waiting for him waving her hands at him as if she was signalling him to come over.

"Is there anything else you need from me?"

Dami smile nodding at his words, "This, Miss Yeon gave me before. She said that this is a reward for the two of us for helping her today. " she explained taking out the six lucky coupons which is for a free rides and games at the amusement park that comes together with free foods and drinks.

"Oh, about that actually- I don't think I can go today. You can take all of the coupons by yourself, I don't mind, " Gunwook reject her offer trying to sound polite as possible.

Dami mood suddenly changes from being cheerful to gloomy, "Oh, is that so.." she looks down feeling sad.

A sudden guilt rushed through Gunwook as he feel bad declining her offer making her expression turned to become like that so he change his mind, ".. but if you have no one to go there with you then maybe I could accompany yo-"

Before he could finish his words Dami look up at him, her pink lips curved into a bright smile which almost make her jumped for joy hearing him suddenly change his mind, "Really?"

He nodded his head as a response.

"Then, let's go now. I know where that place is, just follow me." Dami smile inwardly as she manages to convince him to come with her.

This is my chance, don't waste it dearself.

Gunwook who's walking behind Dami couldn't help himself but smiled downward seeing her smile. It has been a long time since the last time he saw it up close.

You're still the same as ever, Princess Dami.


"Woah! the amusement park is bigger than i expected!" Gyuvin cheered happily tapping Dami's shoulder feeling excited meanwhile she rolled her eyes annoyed by him .

"Why are you following me? Go away,shoo shoo. "she kicked her cousin leg.

" Eyy, don't be greedy you have six coupons after all. It's enough for the six of us,"Gyuvin stated pointing the other three, Mathew, Junhyeon and Seunghwan that followed her and Gunwook before, smiling innocently.

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