viii. new student

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"Dami.. hey wake up, did you hear me?" Gyuvin called out his cousin name multiple times while shaking her shoulders to wake her up who's sleeping on the bus.

The reason is because she doesn't have enough sleep since she was studying until 4 am.

Just when Gyuvin was about to tap her shoulder one more time he feels like his soul just leave his body when Dami suddenly shout when she just woke up from her dream.

It took a few seconds before she realise that everyone was looking at her because they also got shocked so she quickly apologise and hid her face feeling embarrassed.

"Yaa- what was that!? You surprised me!" Gyuvin complain while patting his heart..

Dami didn't respond instead she ignores him then gazed out the window not wanting to talk to her cousin as of this moment.

"is it because of yesterday? I said I'm sorry. I will buy what you want instead, how about that?" but Dami still stays silent as she's now spacing out looking at the view across the window.

The bus finally stop when they arrive their destination. All of the students start pushing each other wanting to get out from the bus faster. Dami and Gyuvin stand up after everyone had already left leaving them two as the only students who haven't get down yet.

Gyuvin wants to say something to Dami but she push him aside and walk out of the bus leaving Gyuvin behind her. Gyuvin just let out a deep sigh then followed her.

"Something happened again at your home right? That's why you're on the bus today because you woke up late, am I right?" said Gyuvin as he's now walking beside his cousin following her to their class.

"So what? Just mind your own bussiness - Now go away from me before anyone see us this close." Dami push him away so they won't be that that near to each other.

The reason? It's a bit complicated. The two of them might be cousin but nobody knows about it except the two of them and Gyuvin's best friends. He's actually a cousin from her father's side instead of her mother that's why they kept it as a secret because her parents had already divorced.

Still, Dami and Gyuvin had been very close with each other since they were a liitle kid. Although they bicker a lot the two of them still treasure each other like a real siblings but because Gyuvin's uncle divorce with Dami's mother they had to separate with each other since those two doesn't get along well after their divorce so her parents also decided to separate their family with each other.

They both can't even communicate with each other since both move to new place with their family which separate them from each other.

Luckily after entering highschool they both met again and became close like before so that's when they decided to kept it a secret because her mother somehow despise her father and doesn't allow her to communicate with any of his family so it will be bad if she found out about it.

𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 𝘱𝘳𝘬. 𝘨𝘶𝘯𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now