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Hi everyone, it's been a while

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Hi everyone, it's been a while. The last time I updated this story is last year right? Time sure flies fast. I start writing this story for fun only at first but then I became lazy..... There's a lot of reason actually why I stopped writing this story for a long time, it just that I went through a lot....

but the main reason is that I lost interest and lack motivation to continue this story so I sincere apologies for those whoever read this and still stuck waiting for me to update a new chapter. And I'm just busy with life that I don't rlly have time to spend on writing a story, there's a lot going through in my mind and I'm just tired with so many things going on...

but I will try to finish this story somehow. So thank you for you guys who read this and vote my story ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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