ix. danger

229 17 4

[a/n: hi guys^^ it has been awhile since my last update right? :(
my sincere apologies to u guys for making you wait so long. my brain was having a glitch for a very long time but I think it's finally fixed today so enjoy reading I just finished writing it just now ><]

━ ✩・*。

After the new student introduced himself, everyone in the class starts whispering to each other, most of them are talking about how good looking he is while some are wondering why he's transferring school when they only had one semester left.

Then there's Dami whos staring at scenery outside the window. The dream she had a few hours ago still vivid in her mind as if it was real.

"Did all the dream I had before is like this too? It was as if I was dreaming about my past life before but does that kind of thing really exist or am I just really dreaming?" she sighed as she had no idea about her problem which is still a mystery to her.

After Taerae introduce himself to the class the teacher shows him where his seat is, " You may go over there at the back where there's only one empty seat. "

He nodded his head and walk to where he was told. As soon as he arrives at his seat he greeted Dami who's next to him. "Hye, I'm Taerae and you are?" he suddenly talk to her.

Dami turn her head back to the front and look up to see him, "Oh, you're the new student. I'm Dami."

"So it's really you huh." he said while smiling at her.

Dami raised her eyebrows in confusion as to why he was acting strange so she ask him, "Did you know me?"

"Of course I do, we've known each other for a very long time ago."

Now Dami becomes even more confused because she really doesn't remember him nor do she think they even know each other.

Taerae suddenly chuckled at her expression, "I'm joking, I just saw you few weeks ago at the train. You were so cool back then when you knock down the criminal. I'm impressed. "

That's when it hits her. So he saw her there. "That's nothing I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do as fellow citizen." she responded in humble.

"So may I seat next to you?"


The bell rang after the third period and students from Dami class start rushing to her table but not exactly for her but because of the new student.

They all come to see him obviously.

Before the place got crowded she immediately stands up from her seat about to leave when Taerae suddenly stopped her by asking, "Help me." he whispered.

Dami glanced at those people who's getting closer and sighed, "Sorry guys but the teacher already ask me to show him around the school." she clasped her hands together and hold Taerae's wrist.

"Let's go."

hufff.. hufff..huff..

The two starts panting with their hands on their knees trying to catch a break after running away from their class.

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