i. the guy in my dream

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Dami eyes wide opened as she could feels her heart was beating so fast when she just woke up from sleep. She control her breath and calm herself down by placing her hands on her right chest.

She was crying again in her sleep and her heart would ache everytime where it feels like there's something missing but she doesn't have time to care about that because she have to get ready for school like usual.


Dami run as fast as she can before the train's door close hoping she would make it in time. Thankfully the door still wide opened so she quickly get inside and took a sit at the empty seat.

After a few minutes the train stopped again at the next station so she looks around her seeing the train's door just opened with some more people start coming in.

An old woman who just entered the train look around trying to find any empty seat but there's none available while everyone pretending not to notice as they didn't want to give up their own seat.

Dami who saw that situation immediately rose up from her seat offering it to the old woman because it's such a basic human decency for the younger one to respect the elders.

The old woman smiled thanking her and wants to give her something but she refused. Surely in this situation when the old woman keep insisting on giving her the gift Dami had no choice but to accept it in the end.

After that, the old woman finally went to the seat to sit down. Soon the train start moving again and she almost fall because the others start pushing each other considering the train was packed with so many people since its Monday, the start of the day after holiday.

Dami sighed and put her hand on the handle of the hanging strap so she won't lose her balance again but something worse happen instead. She could feels someone was very close behind her which make her feels uncomfortable so she stepped in front a bit but the person also went closer to her.

She shut her eyes and bit her lower lip started to feeling annoyed but there's nothing much she could do about it because everyone must have experienced the same thing in that situation so she have to bear with it until the train arrived to the destination.

Just when Dami thought that she must have been overthinking she heard a clicked and when she looked in front she saw a reflection of flash through the window glass of the train at her direction. She secretly look down just to see a hand holding their phone upside down taking pictures underneath her skirt making she cursed under her breath.

𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 𝘱𝘳𝘬. 𝘨𝘶𝘯𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now