v. i'm right here

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Taking a peek from the window of class 3-A, Dami eyes moves around trying to find Gunwook but he's nowhere to be seen. She sighed about to walk away from there but her steps stopped when she overhead the students conversation inside the classroom and she could heard his name was mentioned.

Dami went closer so she could listen to what they're talking about.

A guy voice can be heard, "Hey, the teacher told you to give this assignment to Park Gunwook. She's worried that he will miss the lessons since the test is around the corner. It has been one week since he haven't come to school."

"I'm sorry but I'm also busy after school because I have to attend tuition and help my mom for groceries later. Can you ask for someone else to do it?" the girl replies with an apologetic tones.

Before the guy could answer her Dami suddenly appeared between them and volunteered herself, " What about me? I'm free. "

The two students then look at each other with a confused face but they decided to trust her after she explained the reason why. She made excuses that she wants to return back the favor back to him for helping her before.


" Where's this place that you're talking about? How long am I going to carry your food and papers?" complains Gyuvin to his cousin as he was carrying a plastic bag full of food and medicine on his left hand while his right hand holding the documents that Dami asked him to help her to carry them for her.

"Just endure it a bit more. We're almost there I think.." Dami replied not really sure about her answer as she look at the address of every houses comparing it to the information that was written on a piece of paper.

"You have been saying like five times already . I feels like my shoulder got cramps because carrying this heavy things." Gyuvin then put down the plastic bag and documents down on the street to take a rest for a bit.

"What are you doing!? Give it to me it's dirty." Dami frowned taking it back but Gyuvin suddenly shocked her as his eyes went wide while his finger pointing behind her back, "Oh, isn't that the guy you're looking for?"

"Where!?" Dami immediately turned her head but turns out that there's actually no one there. When she turned back to look at her cousin he has already dissappear from her sight.

"Sorry! I have something to do! Byebye!" he shouted from afar while running away.

"Yaaaah! You bastard!" Dami scoffed in disbelieve but she doesn't have energy to be mad right now as her stomach feels empty right now so she just continue what she does.

𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 𝘱𝘳𝘬. 𝘨𝘶𝘯𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now