x. goodbye

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Just when the girl thought she would die, the grips on her neck suddenly loosen as Gunwook let go of her. He looks likes he's holding himself from something that he end up fainting.

The girl let out a gasp and breath heavily trying to catch a breath after she felt suffocated before. Her body was trembling in fear, terrified by what happened to her just now.

Dami who was spacing out just now  came back to her sense and realised that the two of them are still on the floor but she sense something odd when she saw Gunwook is now laying on the floor with his eyes closed not moving at all.

Dami got panicked and immediately run into Gunwook to check on his condition. "Park Gunwook, what's wrong?"

Gunwook didn't answer. Dami repeat again while shaking his body but there's still no answer from him. Now that Dami doesn't pay attention to the other girl, she got up after finally regaining her consciousness again and run away from there leaving the two of them.

Dami finally realised and about to stand up since she wanted to chase the girl but what's important right now isn't that anymore. She tried to lift him up and shouted for help.

To her luck there's happened to be a someone who just passed by there and immediately run to help Dami. It turns out to be the school doctor who's just about to went home.

"What happened here?" he then asked as he was doing something immediately as soon as he got there.
He was checking Gunwook's pulse.

"Someone tried to attack me just now and he protect me. His hands got injured and when he caught the culprit by pushing her down he suddenly fainted all of a sudden. I'm not sure why and for the culprit she ran away just now. "Dami hands is still trembling as she answer, anxious with the situation.

The doctor noticed and hold her hands," It's fine he's going to be alright. I need you to calm down and help me bring him to the school infirmary. "

Dami nodded her head," Got it, thanks doctor."


"What about his condition doctor?" Dami worriedly asked.

"His body is still a bit weak and fortunately the wound on his hand isn't that deep, it's only a scratch. Other than that he's fine. He just need to rest here for awhile then can go home after he woke up later." the doctor explained.

Only a scratch? That's strange, I believe i saw how bad it was before. Did I saw wrong?

Dami shook the thought off thinking that maybe she's nervous that time and can't think straight, "I see, thank you doctor for your help just now. I'm really thankful. "

"Don't mention it, that's my job here to take care of the student. I already told this matter to the police and they will help on finding the culprit. Make sure to go to the police station tomorrow. " he smiled.

𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 𝘱𝘳𝘬. 𝘨𝘶𝘯𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now