ii. matching wounds

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"Moon Dami! Someone is searching for you, wake up! " Matthew tapped Dami's shoulder trying to wake her up.

Slowly opening her eyes Dami slowly sit up straight and stretch her hands, "Hmmm?" is all she gave in response rubbing her eyes as she was still half asleep.

Matthew just shook his head looking at her then clapped his hands in front of her eyes to bring her soul back. Finally, Dami come back to her sense and look at the front door of the classroom .

Confused, she ask him"So, where is that person?"

" He was waiting for you outside, he said that Ms. Yeon is looking for you. "

Dami mouth formed an"O" as a response. She stands up and walk heading outside of the classroom to meet the person who's looking for her.

It was a guy. He was standing there waiting for her while leaning against the wall with a paper that was covering his face probably because he was reading the words written on that papers.

"Excuse me, are you the one who was looking for me?" she asked to make sure he was the right person.

Putting down the piece of paper away from his face his eyes looks down to match her height, "Yeah, you must be Dami am I right?"

Instead of replying to him Dami went silence as she suddenly lost her ability to talk. Who would expect that the person she have been searching just now and has always appears in her dream is just standing casually right in front of her very eyes.

This is her first time meeting him yet her heart tell otherwise. She feels like as if they've known each other for a long time.

She saw his nametag on his uniform finally get to know his name,


Dami struggled to find her voice and when she did, it was so high-pitched that it almost caught everyone attention.
" It's you!"

"Pardon?" he looks at her with a confused expression.

"Oh that, ahahaha I mean - so it's you that was looking for me." replied Dami scratching her neck feeling embarrassed with herself.

"Then, let's go to the storage room right now. There's a task she gave to us. " Gunwook said looking at his watch and lead the way.

Dami follows him from behind, her eyes never leave him even once.


Dami and Gunwook finally arrived at the storage room so the two of them enter the door that was opened , stepping inside the place. Dami mouth went "woah" seeing how it looks like inside of it since it was her first time going there.

The storage room looks like a perfect place to hide if you want to skip class is what first comes to Dami's mind.

As they walk towards the corner of the storage room there's a woman sitting on a chair looking serious while she was busy checking data on some files not realising that they both have arrived. Not until she look up to finally see that they already standing in front of her table bowing their head greeting her.

𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 𝘱𝘳𝘬. 𝘨𝘶𝘯𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now