Chapter Sixteen ~ When The Blood On My Hands Was Still Red

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!!!Violence Warning !!!
Scenes will be in Italics

Anulei's POV

Anulei woke suddenly, seeing bright stars of the night sky blinking above the beach.

She looked around for a second, trying to orientate herself, until she noticed what had woken her.

An strong yet lean arm was slung across her stomach, fingers twitching and forearm jolting every few seconds.

She propped herself up with her arms, looking over at Neteyam's resting figure. He was mumbling in his sleep, eyes creased with a look of pain on his face.

"Neteyam?" She whispered, shaking his shoulder slightly.

He only jolted again, an arm reaching up to grab her wrist, squeezing tightly. He still remained asleep, beginning to breath in and out heavily.

Anulei quickly sat up properly, trying to pry his tight grip off her arm, to no avail.

"Neteyam! Wake up!" She shook his shoulders again.

His eyelids shot open suddenly, fear and surprise swimming in his yellow eyes.

"Neteyam?" She whispered.

He looked around frantic, breathing rapidly, still gripping onto her wrist. His other hand reached up to his shoulder, where the skin was bumpy and lighter in colour with scar tissue.

"Neteyam? Can you hear me?"

He paid her no attention despite the tight hold on her arm. He seemed distant, like he was somewhere else. His voice was hoarse as he spoke.

"Lo'ak." He coughed, looking around frantically, "Lo'ak... where's Lo'ak? Is he okay? Spider..."

Anulei's brain was running a mile a minute, heart racing whilst still trying to fight off the effects of sleep.

"Lo'ak's at home. What's wrong Neteyam? Do you need me to go get him?" She placed a hand on his cheek, pushing his head to face her.

His pupils expanded, a look of recognition across his face as if he only just noticed her there. "Anulei?"

She nodded, and his shoulders slumped slightly. "Anulei." He choked out again, his weight falling onto her.

She caught him in her arms, his breath hot against the skin of her shoulder as he tried to calm his heart.

"What happened Neteyam? Tell me, please, so I can help."

He looked up from where he was resting his head, a tear track drying on his cheek.

He took a pause, before words began spilling from his mouth.

Neteyam told her the story of the great battle with the humans only a year ago.

He described a dangerous chase and a rainstorm of bullets, all beginning with the rescue of Payakan, Lo'ak's spirit brother.

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