Chapter 1 - Part 1

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Standing outside of the camp, everyone waves goodbye as the children leave. Wow. Two months goes by quick. I can't wait to be back home, lying in bed, listening to music, instead of ghost stories. Not that I didn't like Ryan's podcasts, they were interesting, it's just, I love music more. Obviously not more than Ryan... wait should I say that? I mean, love is a strong word. I don't know, anyway, continuing...

I stand next to Emma as we finish saying goodbye, the bus now out of view. Kaitlyn and Jacob descend down the stairs. I wonder how Jacob feels about the break up? Emma seems quite nonchalant - she says that it was only going to be for the summer anyway and that he shouldn't feel too heartbroken. I adore her confidence.

"We should go find Abi and get our bags", she suggests, walking away from the gate and towards the cabins. Kaitlyn and Jacob walk past us,

"Hi y/n, hi Emma", Kaitlyn greets us with a smile, her bee earrings shine momentarily in the sun. Jacob gives Kaitlyn the side eye and tenses up slightly. I take it he may still have some feelings for Emma. They were cute together, hopefully they rekindle their relationship when their ready, meaning, when they're finished with school, I guess. Emma smirks and says hi back, as I wave.

We've arrived at the cabins. Abi sits at the bottom of our cabin, drawing in her notebook. She helped the kids with art and drawing during the summer camp, she's really talented. Kinda annoyed we didn't get more time together though, I would've loved if she taught me something about drawing.

"Hey there party bear!" Emma yells as we walk overt to Abi.

"Status report?" Abi looks at us and grins.

"We are officially empty nesters." I reply.

"High five! Up top!" Emma raises her hand, Abi reciprocates the gesture.

Throughout the summer camp months, it was always Abi and Emma. I was a third wheel most times. Those two are closer than I am with either of them (does that make sense?). It didn't effect me much, as I spent most of my time, obviously, teaching the kids, and with Ryan, listening to his podcasts, or the other counselors. I would've hung out with Kaitlyn more but she spent a crazy amount of time at the shooting range, and I didn't want to interrupt her with whatever she was doing - so in other words: I didn't want to accidently get shot. Not that I don't trust her, I do, a lot, but mistakes happen sometimes. I just didn't want to be included in that 'sometimes'.

"... Oh boy. You're about to get your phone back aren't you?" Abi enquires.

Emma sighs, "Let's go collect our bags and get away from this mosquito infested backwoods dump."

I laugh, "There weren't that many mosquitos. "

"Easy for you to say, y/n. You brought repellant."

"And I offered to share, but you declined" I laugh again. Emma always seemed hesitant taking anything from me during the two months. I would've happily have shared the repellant with her, it wasn't a big deal.

"Well I thought they would have had some here, but by the time I realised they didn't, it was too late to just ask you for the it" She responded back, laughing at herself.

Emma walks up the stairs, as Abi sighs gently and leans her head to the side, "Doors locked. Bags inside." she says blatantly.

"Fuuuuck me." I bet Jacob wants to ;)

"Yep" Abi smiles at me slightly.

"Well, it's obvious what we have to do here." Ohhh, I know what Emma's thinking.

"Find someone with a key?" Abi goes straight to the 'responsible' thing to do.

"Break the door down!" I exclaim, maybe a bit too excitedly.

"Yes! Exactly what I was thinking, we're on the same wavelength y/n!"

Abi sighs, "Okay. Let's do it. We'd better not get in trouble."

"We won't tell if you dont" Emma points between us.

"Mr. Hackett's gonna find out-" why does she go straight to the negatives?

"So what? He might just think it was a bear or something." I reply, trying to put her mind at ease. In honesty, Mr Hackett probably wouldn't care much, there's a chance he won't even find out. I've been coming to the Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp since I was a child, so I've become close with Chris, he's like a dad to me. I would much rather have him over my actual 'dad'. But that's a story for another day.

"Have you ever seen a bear out in these woods?" Abi Deadpans. Seriously. She needs to just let go.

"No, but that doesn't mean they're not out there." I tell her.


During mine and Abi's slight bickering, Emma had pushed the door open. Didn't know she had that strength.

"Wow" I let out.

Emma smirks at me. "The power of positive thinking!"

"Why do I ever listen to you?" Abi sighs.

"Because she's always right?" I answer for Emma. Abi is starting to get on my bad side. Maybe I'm just getting impatient. Hopefully it's not showing on my face.

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