Chapter 1 - Part 4

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1292 words

a.n - i didn't think the first chapter would take this many parts to write, i don't know how many parts there'll be

We arrive at Chris' office. Chris walks in, as Ryan holds open the door for me and waves his hand infront of him, telling me to go first.

"So, uh, Chris... I'm actually glad we got a moment to talk-". Ryan sounds slightly exhausted.

"Uhh, uh-oh! I'm not fired, am I?"

"Ha, no no, its- uh- its just, you know, about the whole thing with the-" Ryan gets interrupted as the phone rings, he looks at me, the stress in his eyes evident.

"Hold that thought partner. I'm gonna have to take this."

"Oh. Yeah. Okay" Ryan replies. Ryan just stands there.

"Ryan..." I wave him over to follow me out of the door. Ryan jumps slightly, realisation kicking in.

"Oh, uh, sorry"

Chris' voice quietens as the door closes. Ryan leans against the wall and slides down it. He takes his earphones out and holds one out to me,

"You wanna finish the rest of the podcast?"

I reply with a simple "yeah" and sit down next to him. His fingers brush over mine as he passes the ear bud to me. He shuffles closer to me so that the wire can reach between both of our ears comfortably. His knee knocks against mine, as he presses on the podcast and starts it.

We sit like that for a few minutes before Chris opens the door again.

"Sorry I pushed you guys out like that"

"It's all good, we got to listen to the podcast anyway" I reply, Ryan smiles at me, as Chris walks to his desk. He starts searching around his desk, moving things quickly around,
"Do you need a hand looking for the keys?" I inquire.

He sighs, "No. End of summer, busy busy... Anyway" he turns to Ryan "You were asking me?"

"Oh uh yeah, yeah. It was just the whole animation school thing. What you thought I should do." Chris is still looking around, not really paying any attention, "you know... it's... whether I should like, leave my sister with my grandparents... Since I'd have to live on campus, you know, and my mom's not exactly around so... I wouldn't want to leave Sarah on her own..." Chris is still, mentally, elsewhere "you know our family is small enougn as it is"

"Well. Family is important, Ryan" Chris replies, catching onto the last thing Ryan says. "Dang it." Ryan looks disappointed in Chris, I can see why to be honest.

"Is everything okay?" I question.

"You got a hot date tonight?"

"Oh boy, if y'only knew..." Chris laughs slightly.

"So what did you need us, or Ryan, for?"

"You two are my favourite counselors, you know that? You guys are the good ones. But... D'you know how many calls I get from parents? Letter after letter of these terrified kids, that they send home."

"Huh...i didn't realise that" I say, trying to take the blame. Ryan doesn't deserve any blame. He just tried to entertain the kids.

"You wouldn't believe this, but scaring kids away from camp, is kinda bad for business. So maybe you two could ease up on the ghost stories?"

"Sorry, I didn't realise it was such a big deal." Ryan states.

"Maybe stick to kumbaya next time, okay?"

"What's that?" he asks.

"You haven't heard of kumbaya before?" I ask Ryan, you can hear the shock in my voice.

"No... Should I have?"

"Yes, at some point in your life!" Chris continues the theme of shock. The room falls silent as Chris searches for his keys. I walk over, and sit in the chair opposite his computer. Ryan walks behind the chair and rests his hands on my shoulders. He starts strumming his fingers on my shoulders, moving them to some rhythm he must be thinking of. Probably some little hook that was in a podcast. I lean over and pick up a picture frame,
"Will you say goodbye to Caleb and Kaylee for us? They sort of just snuck off..."

"Ah, you'll see 'em again next year." Ryan's fingers stop moving as Chris speaks. "Caleb works at the scrapyard during the off-season, and Kaylee, she's still figuring out what she wants to do..."

"We could have used the help packing up since we were short staffed." Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I heard Chris taking about two people that didn't show up, I think they were called... Laura and... M... M something, Mark maybe? Laura and Mark. Nope. That doesn't seem right. I'm sure I'll find out soon enough though.

"You guys seemed to manage alright" Chris responds to Ryan. He retraces his steps, trying to find his keys. Still. He picks up a red cup, "Right where I left them!" Ryan and I laugh. He is very lucky his head is screwed on.

We leave his office.

"Make sure they're all ready to go. For real this time!"

We walk down the steps.

"Wait how did you get your phone back before the rest of us?" Dylan questions. I waln over to Nick, as if he was reading my mind, he passes me my phone, I smile at him and say a quick thank you. I stay stood beside him.

"It's cos I never turned it in" Ryan mutters to Dylan.

"You should'a turned it off before you handed it in, Dylan. Them's the rules, ya noob." Chris walks away, leaving Dylan looking utterly lost. That is a funny sight to see. Chris passes the keys to Jacob.

Jacob gets in the car and tries to start the engine. It sputters. Uh oh.

"What's the problem?" Chris has turned on defensive mode, as I walk over.

"Ugh... Dude. I don't know. I think there's eomthing wrong with the engine, Mr H." Jacob says. He sounds too... Nonchalant.

"Yeah I can see that."

"Dude it's just like... Kaput!"

"Alright lemme try" Ryan offers.

"What dude, I'm telling you, alright, it's busted!" Jacob lowers his voice slightly.

"Well, maybe you're doing it wrong?" I question.

"Duh- 'Well maybe you're doing it wrong!' " Jacob mocks me. Wow, I'm really hoping it's just because of the heat of the moment.

Ryan steps in front of me, kinda protectively, "The fuck, dude?"

"Enough! Enough, both of you" Chris has definitely had enough. He pulls Jacob out of the car and tries to start it himself. Nothing put the sound of the engine failing. Chris starts to stress as Jacob tries to convince him to spend another night. Ryan watches Chris. He paces back and forth.
"Okay. Dammit. You're right"

"What" Ryan sounds so dejected. For some reason it hurts.

Chris tosses the keys to him. He walks away and beckons Ryan to follow him. I walk back to Nick.

"That was... Intense" he says.

"I know! I don't think I've ever seen Mr H that angry before..." I say, as Chris' car door slams shut.

"Why's he so pissed? It's not like we're gonna die by staying an extra night, you know?" I nod my head.

"I'm sure he has some reason" I respond.

"Well, you and Ryan would know more than use" he lightly nudges his elbow into my side whilst laughing, I, of course, laugh back. It's more of just blowing air out of my nose then a laugh.

Chris starts to reverse, "Lock the doors!", he now starts to drive forwards, out of the gate, "and for God's sake keep the noise down!". He drives off. So abrupt. He didn't even say bye. Ryan walks towards us all.

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