Chapter 2 - Part 1

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"Alright, the inner sanctum!" Dylan exclaims.

"It's just an office" I laugh out.

"This is where the magic happens"

"That just sounds weird, Dylan", Ryan laughs at my response.

"Yeah, let's just make this quick."

"Sure. Just gimme a sec to get this going..." Dylan continues, "and... Engage."

Our phones light up, the charging symbol displayed. Ryan's didn't need much charge, however, mine and Dylan's....they're in dire need of electricity.



"Alright".... This is a bit awkward, "Uhh, what's it called? The one you're listening to right now?" Dylan questions

"Uhh, Bizarre Yet Bona-fide"

"So like, ghosts and stuff?"

"It's like... Um, yeah, the weird and wonderful. Digging up weird mysteries and discussing if they're, well, bona-fide."

Dylan starts to laugh, "Boner-fide. Get it? Boner? Heh."

"You're so funny Dylan, I think I might die of laughter" I fake laugh and pat his back, as I walk to Chris' desk. I sit on the chair opposite it. I look up at Ryan. He's already looking at me, his jaw tense. Quickly, I look away. Was he jealous?

I stare out the window as they continue to chatter.

Dylan walks over to the gun framed on the wall, "What's the gun for?"

"Mr H told me it was for-Um bears." I answer.

"Bears? Here?"

"Yeah... I didn't wanna question him..."

Ryan shifts from one foot to the other. I can feel him staring at me.

Dylan goes to grab the gun.

"Leave it alone. Just leave it alone." Ryan speaks out.

"Were gonna be out partying in the woods tonight, right? What ift he bears crash it?" I laugh again, Dylan is desperate for that gun. "It's like my mom always said. If you wanna party, you gotta bring protection"

It's Ryan's turn to laugh, "Ha, well... I think that she was talking about condoms"

"I'm not gonna fuck a bear"

"Woah, Woah, woahhh, Dylan, no one was insinuating that" I laugh out.

Dylan smiles back, happy that he made someone laugh.

"Atleast we know where the gun is if we need it" Ryan sums up the conversation.

Dylan walks around to the other side of the desk. The floor squeaks.

"Well hello, what is this?" He steps repeatedly on the floorboard, "you hear that?"

I stand up and walk next to Dylan, "is that a trap door?"

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