Chapter 1 - Part 2

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"Are you sure they're gonna think it was a bear?" Ohmygod.

"Ugh. Relax. It's not like we killed someone" Emma seems to be giving up now too.

I pick up my bag and Emma's, as she picks up Abi's.

"Alright... Well, I'm just gonna take another look around, make sure we didn't miss anything" Why does she care about her things now? She would've just happily have left our bags in the room earlier.

"Okay, well, we'll be waiting at the caddy for you" I say.

"Go nuts" Emma adds.

We silently walk to the golf caddy and put the bags in the back. I get into the backseat, assuming that Abi and Emma will want to sit in the front together, whilst Emma rests her back against the car, next to me.

She sighs, "So. How are you and Ryan?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me. How did she know?

"Ehm... one: how did you know? and two: it's okay, I guess. I don't think he's into me though. I'd wait for him to make the first move, but I don't think he's the type of person to..."

Emma looks off into the cabin area, watching Abi explore, she's in thought. "Well there's a chance he's into you too. I mean, he shared his earbuds with you, he seemed chatty with you, aaand he let you get close with him, like touch him and stuff"

"Touch him?"

"Yeah, you know like head on shoulder, arm slung around your shoulder, leaning on each other... cute things like that" Oh.

"I get you now... but that doesn't–"

"Okay, I'm ready to go now!" Abi cuts me off. Emma looks at me as if to say 'sorry'.

"Finally!" She exclaims and sits into the passenger seat as Abi goes to drive. "Time to let loose and vamoose this caboose!" she waves her hands through the air.

"How are you so..." Abi starts. I swear if she says anything mean, this won't end well.

"...Dramatic?" Emma guesses.

"Annoying..." This bit–. "Confident." She continues. Oh, nevermind. I'm sorry for the harsh word.

"Eh... Its just acting. It's what the people want."

Their voices start to blur out as I imagine  myself at home again. I'd be excited to see my family, but there's not really anyone waiting for me. Unless plants count. I don't think they do. My mom was best friends with Chris's wife, that's how I met him and his family. My dad got arrested when I was young, around 2 or 3 years old. I don't remember much. Chris would always care for me like I was a second daughter. My mom stopped caring as much about things in life after my dad was gone. I don't think she knew how to deal with the fact that her husband was in prison. A main factor was probably that whenever we'd go to meet him on visiting day, he wouldn't show up.

The golf caddy turns abruptly.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Nice steerin', Tex"

"... Jinkies" Abi replies. Wonder what I missed...

"Okay, so hypothetically... If I were to put myself out there-" Oh it was just Abi's love life. "What if he ends up being a dud? Kinda like you and Jacob?" Nick? A dud? I don't really get that vibe from him... I feel like he'd treat her right.

"Well... Hes actually really sweet."

"Then why'd you quit it?" Starting to feel like a third wheel again. It's true: trios never work.

Emma starts to explain how he was a summer fling and that they'll be too far away to continue their relationship.

"You and Nick could be different. Why don't you hit him up, get his handle." She continues.

"Oh I already have his email. Its in the packet they gave to us in the first day." Huh.

I laugh "Sorry, how old are you again, 93?" Emma looks at me and laughs too.

"What's wrong with email?"

"I'm really gonna miss you two." She changes the topic. Smooooth. "Oh. Hold up"

"But the lodge is that way" Abi points to the left.

"Go right here." Emma replies eagerly.


"It's the scenic route. We should do one last victory lap around the camp. Think about the pretty views you could draw Abi." I add onto Emma's demands.

She gives in.

"What's the victory?" she sighs.

"Two months, no technology!" I exclaim.

"I kinda thought it was nice to be offline."

"Ugh I didn't. Plus, my subs need me." Emma and her subscribers. What would life be without her.

Abi responds sarcastically, "Ugh, how'd they even get by for two months without  you?" I laugh.

"I will have you know that I have a very loyal and engaged subscriber base."she continues " I provide very important and educational lifestyle advice in the form of entertaining and hilarious video monologues. They rely on me."

The conversations slowly fizzles out as we drive back to the car park.

" y/n could you carry my bag please? My arms are sore. " Abi asks. She's lucky she was polite.

"Yeah sure" I respond as I pick them up. Her pack is heavy. What is she carrying in their? Bricks? A typewriter? Oh, I know it's a Nokia... joking. We walk to the rest of the group.

"Hey Nick!" Abi eagerly greets him.

"Hey. Where were you guys?" He smiles at the three of us.

"We were–" I get cut off. Again.

"Wouldn't you like to know..." oh know I see why.

"Let's gooo." Kaitlyn yells, seemingly desperate to leave.

Emma grunts as she lifts her bag, Jacob is quick to speak up, "Oh, hey, oh, here, let me um.... Let me get them for you"

"I can take care of my own bag, thank you." I quietly laugh at her antics.

Abi copies her phrase.

Emma then repeats it again.

I don't quite understand what's happening.

Ryan appears behind me. He sticks his hand out, I assume he's asking for a bag. I slowly place my bag into his hand, he smiles and carries it to the boot of the car, as I do the same with Abi's.

"Thank you" I smile

He nods and does his signature grin "It's okay, y/n"

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