Chapter 3 - Part 1

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830 words

"That was some mighty fine social disruption there, Kaitlyn, I have to say" Dylan praises.

"Ah, or was it just the nudge that Abi needed?"

"You're an evil genius" Ryan comments.

"It was a good idea, but there could've been a less dramatic way of 'nudging' Abi and Nick" I say, feeling bad for Abi.

Kaitlyn just mutters a 'yeah'.

"Whid you think is gonna make the first move? Nick or Abi?" Dylan asks.

Kaitlyn eyes lighten up, "Hey, you owe me 5 dollars"

Dylans eyebrows nit together, "Huh?"

"That bet, I said Ryan would make the first move on y/n, and he did" she grins.

Dylan sighs, "When we get back to the lodge I can give you it, my moneys in the car"

Kaitlyn nods. Me and Ryan share a look of disbelief, "You two bet on us?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah, you were taking soo long to confess" Dylan complains.

"So... Are you two like a thing now?" Kaitlyn asks, leaning in closer to us.

I turn to look at Ryan, "I don't know, we haven't really confessed any feelings, I guess"

Everyone's quiet for a minute.

"Y/n, this might sound cliché, but... I have liked you since you walked through the doors at the start of summer camp."

"Oooh he's doing it!" Dylan mutters to Kaitlyn.

"I was waiting for the right time to tell you that I liked you, and to ask you out, but I never found the right one. And I thought you may have liked Nick." Ryan laughs, "so, y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

My heart skips a beat. This is all I've been waiting for him to say. He smiles softly at me.

"Yes, of course, obviously" I can feel my face heat up. Dylan giggles in the background and Kaitlyn cheers.

"Finally, the day has come, Ryan admits his feelings" Kaitlyn mocks and smiles at us, her face glowing a warm orange from the fire.

Ryan puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his side.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" Kaitlyn asks us,

"We could keep playing?" Ryan suggests.

"Yeah, just the four of us?" Dylan turns to look at us all, "y/n, you wanna ask us first?"

I lift my head up slightly, "Yeah, alright, Kaitlyn, truth or-". I get cut off.

A scream pierces through the air.

Me, Kaitlyn and Dylan rise to our feet.

"That sounded like Abi-" Ryan states.

"Oh my gosh"

"We should try to help her" I rush out.

"Wait, where did it come from" Kaitlyn starts walking towards the trees, she picks up the gun and follows Ryan as he walks ahead.

Me and Dylan look to each other.

"You go with them, I'll stay here" he tells me.

I jog up to them, catching up just in time to see Abi in the floor.

She has dirt on her face, and she's breathing very quickly, hyperventilating  probably. I kneel down next to her and start rubbing her back, attempting to calm her down.

"Please.... Nick! Help him!" she looks between the three of us, and pints to somewhere behind her.

"Where's Nick?" Ryan asks sincerely.

Abi seems too freaked out to be touched right now, so I stand up and walk to Ryan's side.

"I-I-..." she breathes deeply, looking around frantically. Was someone chasing them?

Kaitlyn holds the gun out in front of herself, "Go after Nick! Go!". She throws the gun to Ryan,

"OK, I've got this." He catches the gun smoothly.

"That shotguns got a hell of a spread" Kaitlyn warns.

Ryan starts to jog away, but stops before he gets too far. He turns back around and runs back to me.

He pulls me into his arms and kisses my forehead, "Be careful. Please" I whisper to him, he only responds by placing his lips into mine. A quick kiss. He releases me from the hug and runs to the direction Abi pointed to.

I watch him disappear into the darkness before walking up to Abi.

I go to her right, Kaitlyn goes to her left. We help lift her up. She's shivering, but not in the cold sense, like traumatised. What could she have seen? A mutated bear...?

She wraps her arms around our shoulders and we slowly walk back to the fire.

"Abi, are you okay!?" Dylan walks up to us, as we sit her down on one of the logs, I sit next to her as Kaitlyn stands and keeps guard.

She doesn't respond.

"I think she's in shock or something" Kaitlyn suggests.

Abi shuffles around and places her head in my lap. She looks up at me and I smile down at her. She turns onto her side, "Give her a minute, she'll be okay" I tell the two. I start to stroke her hair, her breathing slows down drastically.

"It's okay Abi, we've got you, you can tell us what happened" Dylan soothes.

Abi sits up.

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