Chapter 5 - Part 2

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1020 words

We race away from the lodge, leaving Bobby and whoever else was there behind. Each stride I take causes my thigh to ache.

It's definitely gonna be bruised later.

Probably already is.

Me and Kaitlyn run behind Nick and Abi. Nick's kind of dragging Abi along, her pace naturally being slower.

There's for sure something wrong with him. His eyes almost went black. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he was just being protective...

A growl splits through the air.

We all come to an abrupt stop. Panting.

"What the fuck was that..." i ask everyone.

"I'm not sure, but we need to get to Dylan and Ryan" Kaitlyn tells us, as she sprints off again.

How does she have so much stamina?

Abi starts grunting, "Nick slow down!"

"No. I need to make sure we get somewhere safe." he states.

"Please, you're going too quick" she cries.

Nick gives in slightly and starts running slower.

We walk out of the trees. The red light from the radio station coming into view.

Ryan's in there. Should I run over to him?

I start to walk a bit quicker, getting close to the station. A quiet growl sounds from above it. I stop in my tracks, slowly moving backwards.

"Y/n, Kaitlyn get into a building now! Do not come up here. Theres an animal outside the radio hut, get in-" Ryan's voice echoes through the speakers. It cuts off, "Get in a cabin now!"

Kaitlyn pulls me back quickly and pushes me into the direction of the cabin. The door opens straight away.


It's the one me, Emma and Abi broke into.

Nick slams the door shut.

"Are they gonna be okay?" I ask Kaitlyn.

"Yeah. Yeah, they'll be fine. They have a shotgun too." she tries to convince me, and by the sounds of it, herself as well.

Abi looks at me, "Oh, y/n... Does your cheek hurt? It looks really bad."

I place my hand onto my Cheek. Shit, it stings. I pull away, my hand now stained red. Wow. I didn't know a gun could do so much damage without shooting it.

"It stings a bit, but I should be okay..." i tell Abi. She sighs,

"I don't think there's anything to clean it with in here."

"Its okay, I can deal with it Abi, thank you" I give her a reassuring smile.

A gunshot goes off.

All our heads snap to the direction of the noise.

"Oh my god!" Kaitlyn mutters.

I stand up, getting ready to leave the cabin and got to the hut.

"No, y/n! It's safer here" Nick warns

"But what if Ryan's hurt? Or Dylan?"

"They wont be. They will be okay, just stay with us." Abi reassures.

I nod and sit on one of the beds.

A ringing sound breaks through the silence.

Me and Abi rush to the window, a long, boney creature runs away from the radio hut. It leaves our vision as it passes behind our cabin, into the woods.

The ringing stops, what if it, the monster, comes back?

"Bet they broke the speakers" Kaitlyn jokes.

Abi scoffs, "Why are you joking right now? A gunshot just went off and you're making jokes...shouldn't you be worried?".

"Abi, chill. It's not that deep" I give her a smile, hoping that it makes my remark sound less rude.

She looks at me briefly, then turns back to staring out the window.

Kaitlyn sighs, drawing everyone's attention to her, "We should go outside. It's probably okay now"

We nod and slowly all filter out of the cabin. I help Nick up, he rests his arm around my shoulder.

"Is it safe now?" Kaitlyn yells to Ryan as he leaves the radio hut.

"I think we're okay for now..." he reassures.

Me and Nick step onto the grass, he trips on the last step. I giggle slightly.

He stares at me, holding his finger to his mouth, "Shh..."

I try to hold my laugh in.

"You tell anyone about me tripping, next time I do it, I'm bringing you down with me" he threatens.

"Yeah" I nod, "sure you will, Nick" I smile at him, offering him my hand. He grabs it and I help him up.

We return to the rest of the group.

Ryan's face lights up as our eyes lock.

I run up to him, he opens his arms for me. I hug his chest tightly as he places one arm around my shoulder, the other around my lower back.

"I thought you got hurt when we heard the gunshot"

He kisses the top of my head, "You need to stop worrying about me, y/n" he laughs.

I look up at him, taking his face in. My eyebrows knit together in concern and confusion, "Whose blood is that Ryan?"

He holds me tighter, squeezing me at this point.

"I could ask the same to you...who hit you?"

He goes to touch my cheek, but I move my face backwards incase it stings.

"Hey, we ran into one of those hunter guys" Kaitlyn informs Ryan and Dylan.

"Ah crap" Ryan sighs.

He let's go of me, we all start walking again.

"Yeah, chased y/n through the lodge. I think we lost them on the way up here though. You get a message out?" Kaitlyn asks.

Ryan looks at my cheek, then to me, "I'm okay" I mutter quietly to him.

He nods. But in a way that makes it seem like he doesn't believe me.

"I think so" He responds to Kaitlyn.

We arrive at our destination: the middle of the cabins.

Dylans awfully quiet...

Oh my god. His hand.

It's gone.

"Dylan what happened to your hand?" I ask him, voice full of worry.

He looks up from the floor, "Oh, um... I'm okay, I mean... I'm not uh- but it doesn't hurt-"

"Okay, you're in shock. Holy fucking shit." Kaitlyn begins to panic. "Did that thing do this?"

"No... Well... Sort of, it-it..." Ryan stutters.

Once again, a gunshot goes off.

What now?

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