Chapter 6 - Part 1

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1040 words

Kaitlyn speaks up, breaking the sad silence, "Is she like one of those hunter dudes?"

Ryan finally takes his eyes off her and looks to Kait, "I don't think so" he says quietly.

I step forwards a bit more, kneeling down closer to the girls body, getting a better look at who it could be.

"You okay?" Kaitlyn asks, I turn around, thinking she was talking to me... no, only Ryan.

"I don't know who that other girl was. I've never seen her before" He says, quietly.

I look at the dead girls hair and the bikini shes wearing. It looks familiar. Oh my god. That's Kaylee. She's wearing the same bikini she wore that one time I went swimming with her, her brother and Chris.

Maybe Ryan already figured out that was her? That's why he's so sad.

"Me neither... But her?"

"Yeah" he says reluctantly. "Thats-"

"Kaylee Hackett" I speak in unison with him.

Abi let's out a gasp as Kaitlyn starts speaking again, "Mr. H's daughter? I thought she went home with her brother"

"Kaylee. Yeah. I thought so too." Ryan states blankly.

"Chris said her and Caleb left early. I don't understand." i say to Kait, adjusting my legs a bit. The concrete by the pool is uncomfortable.

"Oh man. Poor Kaylee." She responds.

"Nick..." Abi mutters.

"You smell so good" Nick murmers back to her, loud enough for all of us to hear.

I look at Ryan and raise one eyebrow, he shrugs back.

"Your alright there bud? Maybe dial it back a bit huh?" Kaitlyn intervenes.

Nick grips Abi's shoulders, "Fuck off Kaitlyn"

He pulls Abi in and holds her tightly. This isn't cute anymore. Abi struggles against him, trying to push him off. "Nick what are you-"

"I want to taste you..." he grunts lowly.


"Come here" He grunts again. Weirdo. No offense.

"Nick, what the hell-" she sounds agitated. No ones trying to help. I think we're all confused. And scared. "Get off"

"Watch out!" Kaitlyn shouts.

"I said get OFF!" Abi pushes him off her, he stumbles back and falls off the side, but jot before making eye contact with him and pulling me into the water with him.

He grabs me by my neck and pushes me down, the water is cold.

This is no surprise if I'm honest, he did say that next time he falls he'd take me with him.

I try to pry his hands off of me, attacking his wrists. This is useless. I lift my leg and bend it, building up some power, and kick him in his stomach.

He let's go in shock... I'm assuming it's shock?

I quickly swim up, seeing Ryan's face.

He reaches his arms through the water and pulls me up, helping me to sit on the side of the pool.

Nick doesn't surface yet, instead he grabs my ankle. Why me?

His face rises. He looks pained. He starts screaming, letting go of my leg as he does so.

He splashes around, like he's having a seizure.

Ryan pulls me up again, holding me by my waist. We're stood chest to back as he rubs my arms up and own, trying to warm me up.

"Are you okay?!" Kaitlyn yells to Nick.

Abir turns around, looking sad and guilty, "I just wanted him to stop"

"Abi, don't blame yourself, he was the one being... odd, weird" I tell her, attempting to reassure her.

"Nick! Dude!" Ryan shouts.

Kaitlyn pulls Nick up, he thuds on the floor. Shivering.

"What did i do?" Abi starts to freak out. She walks over and touches his forehead, "He's so cold".

"Let's get him into the pool house to dry him off" Ryan projects his idea to us. "And you" he whispers to me.

Dylan and Kait walk over to Nick, lifting him up. Me and Ryan start walking inside, holding the doors open for them.

Abi sets up a little bed in the corner of the room, along with a heater too.

Dylan pulls up some chairs for us. We sit in a semi-circle shape. Ryan looks to me, "I'm gonna find a towel for you". I nod at him as he wanders off.

Kaitlyn moves and grabs Dylan arm, "Ahh!"

"Quit moving so much" Kaitlyn scolds. "It's pretty clean from what I can tell. I mean, it's not bleeding. But you need to see a doctor"

Dylan huffs.

Kaitlyn pulls out a cup, "Look, this is all I got left from the nurse's station"

Dylan happily grabs it from Kait, "Ooh, fun"

"You better hope we find you some real help before they wear off"

"Should we start keeping a record of what happens? Like, for the police" I suggest to them.

Dylan turns to me, "Yeah, dead girl in the pool needs some explaining, huh"

Kaitlyns eyes light up, "Yeah, like photos, whatever we can. I've got a funny feeling the cops are not gonna wanna believe any of this crazy shit unless we got some hard proof" Kaitlyn sums up my idea.

Ryan walks back in, a white towel in hand. He sist down in the chair next me and pulls mine closer to him by the bottom of it.

We're sat so that our legs are touching. Very close. He wraps the towel around me, keeping his arm around my shoulder. His free hand goes to my mine, holding it. Ryan always got, somewhat, touchy whenever he was sad. It's nice.

He looks up to the other two, "From now on... If you got your phone, and you see something, take a photo or video or whatever."

"You okay over there Abi?" I ask her, she looks to me and smiles quite sadly.

"look- why don't you look around and see if you can find anything to help make Nick more comfortable" Kaitlyn tells her.

Abi stands up and reluctantly walks away from him.

We quietly watch her and Nick, being cautious of what Nick could do to her. She pulls the heater closer to him, his face brightening.

He looks drained. Theres bags under his eyes, he's slightly paler, and his hair looks dead from the water.

What is happening to him?

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