Chapter 7 - Part 1

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770 words

Laura sits down and talks to us, describing everything she went through after being attacked at the camp — by werewolves, then getting abducted and being held captive by the sheriff.

Sheriff Hackett... I would later find out.

"Are you out of your goddamned mind?!" Ryan shifts in the seat next to me. "Werewolves? Seriously. What the fuck...."

"I said literally the exact same thing" she sides with him.

He sighs, "Okay... do you got anything better? I mean like, zombies? Aliens?" He takes his hand out of mine and waves it in the air, exaggerating his point, "Time hopping Draculas?"

"Ryan, right?" She breathes in.

"Yeah?" He responds quietly.

"You want answers, I've got answers. Interrupt me again and you're on your own"

Ryan leans back and leans his arm on the back of my chair, "Whatever". His hand finds my shoulder, thumb rubbing it comfortingly.

I look to him, "Would it really be that crazy though? With all that shit with Nick too-"

"The thing on the roof!" Dylan intervenes. Maybe that's what happened to his arm. "It would really start to explain a lot of stuff"

"Y/n, Dylan" Ryan muttered defeatedly, slightly sad that we didn't agree with him.

"Just keeping an open mind" I defend Dylan and I.

Dylan nods at me, then looks at Ryan, "This is like your ghost stories. How is this so different to your ghost stories?"

"Those- Those- Those- are just campfire stories." He stutters, "Like, there has to be a rational explanation for everything. For all of this."

"Okay. You were not talking so rational when you separated my hand from the rest of my body." Dylan deadpans, as though it's a natural occurrence.

My head spins to the boy next to me, "Ryan! You shot his arm off?!" I remember his wound and how gross it looked. Only a gun could have done that.

"He told me to!" He responds, mimicking the tone of a toddler being scolded.

"And if it's bite with which you're faced, cleave limb from torso with great haste" Laura speaks up.


"You did the right thing." She defends Ryan's actions.

"See, she's got a whole poem about it" Dylan points out.

Laura stands up and walks in front of me and Ryan, mostly the latter person. "There's more to all this than you think. Just let me finish, then you can decide for yourself if you believe me or not. I don't care." She pauses for a few seconds, "But I think you should hear all of it"

She sits back down and resumes her story, describing how her and Max tried to make a plan, him being a werewolf, tricking Travis Hackett into trusting them to let them escape.

Laura explained how Travis cuffed her to a pipe and made her watch Max turn - she explained it very similarly to what happened with Nick. Maybe he is a werewolf now... She told us how her eye got clawed out by Max too. Sounded traumatic.

She told us that Travis confronted her -said he was covered in blood- that Chris also visited him too, and that he was a werewolf.

A lot to take in.

"...and then I made my way here. To the camp" Laura finishes up, "Left Max at the island. Seemed like the best place for him, surrounded by water and all" she looks around at us all, "that's it. That's the story" she shrugs.

"Wait-" Dylan starts, "the island? Like our island? The one in the lake?"

"Yeah, why?" She asks.

"Jacob and Emma went there and neither have come back yet" I tell her, my voice getting quieter with worry.

"Well if they were there, they're not there now" she states.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I reply quickly, nervous at what she's insinuating.

They're not dead, right?

"Don't make me spell it out for you. I've just come back from there and there's one werewolf and no people" her voice stays levelled, no emotion or anything in it.

Im sure if it were her friends missing instead she'd be all sad.

"Oh fuck" Dylan mutters.

"All I know is that I have to do this. I have to kill Chris Hackett before it's too late" she comments.

Ryan clutches tighter onto my hand, I squeeze back, attempting to reassure him that everything will be okay. Not sure if it worked or not...

"After you saw me at the pool... after I shot Chris- um. I went back to the island expecting Max to be back to normal, but..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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