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It was hilarious to see the comment section turn into CAPS and exclamation marks at the end of the chapter. Love how invested you guys are and instantly know what's up when Hwang mentioned Yang :') 

 Love how invested you guys are and instantly know what's up when Hwang mentioned Yang :') 

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To get yourself into a prestige school, you needed to come from a wealthy family. Not getting kicked out of a prestige school, meant you needed to learn at least three different languages and ace two sports. I took Japanese, Mandarin, and English, and I knew a little French and Spanish. And as for sports; I was a multiple gold medalist in fencing and archery. It wasn't a coincidence that both sports weren't team sports. I thrived on my own. 

Hwang on the other hand, chose basketball and was captain until we graduated. But he was also the best batter in baseball. He held records, and I think to this day it hasn't been broken.

In other words; Kim was fucked. 

It was still unknown to me what he had done to Hwang that he was on the wrong side of the batting cage. But it must be severe because receiving Hwang's hits will be very painful. And knowing the guy practically all my life, I knew without a doubt he was not going to hold in.

I sat on the other side of the couch with Yang. The dude practically stared a hole through my skull. So I eyed him from the side with an arched brow.

"You have no idea what you got yourself into," he began, with clear annoyance on his face. "You could never be what I am to him."

"Indulge me of what that might be?"

"His security blanket."

It was impossible to contain the snort that slipped out of me when he said that. Yang didn't like the denigrating sound at all and took a hefty swig of his bottled beer he fetched earlier out of the outside cooler while giving me the stink eye.

"Excuse me, a what?"

"Hwang needs me. You'll only make it worse."

"Worse? Is that even possible with him?" I pursed my lips together to keep the embarrassed sounds inside but couldn't help the trembling corners of my mouth from quirking up. So I hid it behind my hand, the back of it against my lips, and bowed my head a little to the side when Hwang looked toward the couch.

"You're a dick." Yang folded his body my way, and said his next words carefully, "But I have a certain video that shows the real bitch you are." 

"Yang.." Hwang warned but it was futile.  My forearm was already pressed against his throat as I launched myself on top of him. Yang squirmed beneath me, struggling to breathe. He looked at me with those cunning eyes, and it pleased me to see the reflection of his fear. Me.

"I may be quiet, but never see my silence as weakness. I can crush you and your family with one phone call. Never disrespect me like that," I growled and pushed my weight deeper into him. The redness crawled from his neck up to his face with veins appearing on the sides of his neck and his forehead. "If I find that video on the internet—and even if it didn't come from you—I'll end you."

𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ~𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now